Hi, neighbor 

I'm Beth Lynn Eicher

Nominated Democrat for Whitehall Borough Council.

Democrats, thank you for nominating me for Whitehall Council.

Want more transparency? Check out my thoughts on Open Government including the recording of Whitehall Council 4/19 and 5/3.

Click here for your own panoramic tour of Brennan Plaza which has been closed and permanently damaged from pool work

Click here for your own panoramic tour of Whitehall Pool construction

Vision Board for an Upgraded Whitehall

Commit to retain funding for business hours fire company staffing.

Partner with BWSD to strengthen police protection at Harrison, Whitehall Elementary, and Baldwin High School.

Educate the public on EMS services.

Save our parks from irresponsible construction projects that close parks and sporting fields. 

Better collaboration with BWSD and Baldwin Boro.

Accessible public meetings.  Transparent decision making for large expenditures. #opengovernment

Embrace Diversity.

Over 20% of Whitehall population is of Asian origin. We all need to be invited to the table for the future of Whitehall.

Official Government Communication translations for the Nepal-Bhutanese. 

Stop taking out bank notes.  

Pay off our $10 million in debt first. Consider ways to accelerate payments.

No more intermingling of funds with refinancing that increases debt.

Stop no-bid contracts.


Jordan Tax Service was projected to collect $70K in sewage late fees alone for Whitehall Borough.

The customer service of Jordan Tax service is terrible thus contributing to earned income tax compliance and sewage delinquency.

Hidden taxes like this are terrible and predatory.

Berkheimer Tax Services was so nice. 

It doesn't have to be like this.