Upgraded Whitehall

You have a choice November 7, 2023

Pick 3 for Whitehall Council 

Democrats: Beth Lynn Eicher, Lacey Thomas, Tristan Luccheti

Republicans: Jesse Siefert, Jeremy Rose, John Paravati

Make a Plan to Vote

This page will tell you if you are registered, for which party, and verify your polling place. 

If you find yourself voting by mail, send in your ballot by November 1, 2023 to allow plenty of time to arrive at the county by Tuesday May 7.

Still have your mail in ballot on election day? Bring it to the polls and ask for assistance upon signing in.

Did you lose your mail in ballot? Don't panic. Show up at your polling place on election day and ask for the Judge of Elections for assistance. Don't worry. They'll be happy to help.