Stay informed and help shape our children’s education and future with the PTA

Emmet D. Williams Parent Teacher Association (EDW PTA) is a volunteer organization in Roseville, Minnesota. Our community members work together to support our students; promoting a strong and engaged school community. 

What does the EDW PTA do?

The main role of the PTA is to build strong working relationships among families, teachers and the school, in support of students.  This includes recruiting and coordinating volunteers, organizing parent education events, planning teacher appreciation activities and more.  The PTA is also responsible for community building and fundraising to bring additional assistance to staff to offer students more opportunities.

When are meetings held?

Meetings are typically held bi-monthly . The beginning of each meeting includes our school Town Hall with updates and discussions from our principal, teachers, and staff. Often experts from various education and service areas will present important topics as part of our meetings. You do not need to be a member to attend a meeting but only EDW PTA members have voting rights.  

Upcoming EDW PTA meetings >

Meet the EDW PTA Board

President: Nalie Lee Heidt 

Vice President: Clare Sorman

Secretary: Jenny King

Treasurer: Lindsay Fondow

EDW Online Family Directory

You're invited to join the EDW Online Family Directory: a quick and easy way to look up and find contact info for EDW student and families.

This is an entirely opt-in experience and you can choose to join or remove your info anytime.  Email emmetpta@gmail.com for more information