




 18:00-19:20  "The Science of Monster Hunting" (En)

Neil Gemmell (University of Otago, New Zealand)(司会進行:荒木 仁志 [北大])

 19:30-20:50 "Connecting the dots in the web of life with eDNA and Networks" (En)

Jordana Meyer (Stanford University, U.S.A.) (司会進行:山中 裕樹 [龍谷大])

 21:00-22:30 みんなで語ろう!環境DNAの展望とキャリアパス (Jp)

 (司会進行:土居 秀幸 [兵庫県立大])


第1セッション: "The Science of Monster Hunting" (En)

talked by Neil Gemmell (University of Otago, New Zealand)

Environmental DNA, or eDNA, is a smorgasbord of organic materials left behind by living things as they pass through their environment. This trace material is increasing being used to make sense of previously hard to study species, communities, and ecosystems on land, in the water, and even in the air. In marine systems we are testing the power of eDNA approaches for rapid and accurate assessments of biodiversity and ecosystem health - key enablers of ecosystem-based management. While recent studies, including our own, have shown the potential of eDNA to detect even rare, highly mobile, marine organisms, questions remain about the spatial and temporal resolution of marine eDNA. We have explored these questions in marine settings around New Zealand and find extraordinary spatial resolution in our eDNA work. Temporal effects also appear to be surprisingly modest. I will discuss our findings in the context of future plans to monitor our aquatic systems for fisheries, conservation, biosecurity, and other purposes including the occasional monster hunt. In that final context I will explore how that rollicking tale of monster hunting captured the imagination of the public and media and presented an unprecedented opportunity to talk about genetics and evolutionary science in a fresh way.


セッション: "Connecting the dots in the web of life with eDNA and Networks" (En)

talked by Jordana Meyer (Stanford University, U.S.A.)

Our world we live in is a complicated web of species interactions, including with yourself, both directly and indirectly impacting individuals through to ecosystems and the planet. Global biodiversity is threatened by the anthropogenic restructuring of animal communities, rewiring species interaction networks in real-time as individuals are eradicated or introduced and even hybridizing with changing climates. We are working towards more rapid, quantitative, and non-invasive technologies for robustly capturing changing biodiversity and quantifying species interactions through molecular ecological networks. Feces is gold in this respect, and I cannot get away from it in my work, as it constructs the network of these interactions (diet, microbiome, parasites) and reveals the reproductive health, level of stress, individual genetic identity, and the biodiversity of an area. Through fecal surveys we were able to capture mammal assemblages better than camera traps, understand the effect of fluctuating predator populations on plant communities, identify keystone species and determine the structure of the community. I will discuss our findings from a California ecosystem impacted by the natural return of an apex predator, to the unique hybrid elephants in the Congo and how eDNA plays a role in these assessments. I will also be sharing with you my personal web of different pathways in the sciences and academia, all leading to conservation efforts.

演者紹介:Jordana Meyer氏は、保全ゲノミクス、内分泌学、動物行動学を専門とする生態学者で、現在、スタンフォード大学の博士課程に在籍し、非侵襲的なDNAメタバーコーディング法を用いて、人新世における生態系ネットワークの再構築について研究しています。コンゴ民主共和国では、サバンナに生息するゾウと森林性のゾウのハイブリッド化が、生態系とゾウの健康にどのような影響を与えているかを研究しています。将来の研究目標は、保全ゲノム技術とネットワーク理論を応用して再野生化の取り組みの効果を向上させることです。また、次世代の自然保護活動家を育成するために、留学支援団体Wildtrax Explorationsを運営しています。

セッション: みんなで語ろう!環境DNAの展望とキャリアパス (Jp)

