
Toward eDNA analysis as a globally accepted approach for fish management and conservation: what works and what to improve "?

Louis Bernatchez, Ph.D., Prof. (Université Laval, Canada)

The emergence of environmental DNA (eDNA)-based methods for species detection and identification have revolutionised our ability to assess and monitor fish biodiversity in both freshwater and marine ecosystems. Despite the constantly expanding enthusiasm and interest for the various applications of eDNA analyses, there are still concerns and issues that need to be addressed to get the best benefits from applying these methods and have them accepted globally as part of the toolbox toward improving fish management and conservation. In this presentation, I will highlight several success fish stories demonstrating the power of eDNA analyses in complementing and sometimes replacing conventional approaches not only for detecting the occurrence of species, but also to extract quantitative information as well as providing crucial information on the spatio-temporal dynamics of fish communities, both in freshwater and marine environments. Then, I will present a summary of what eDNA experts around the world consider as the most pressing issues to be addressed toward improving the various applications of eDNA analyses, particularly regarding the need for globally accepted standardised protocols, issues pertaining to the use of different “markers”, which among other things hampers the development of concerted international effort toward building common and standardised reference database as well as common data repository. Toward this goal, I will argue that eDNA practitioners would benefit in seeking inspiration from the international Barcode of Life initiative(iBOL).


Louis Bernatchezはカナダ・ラヴァル大学生物学科の教授で、ゲノミクス・保全生物学・魚類進化学を専門とされています。450を超える論文を発表しつつ、同大・統合生物・体系学研究所所長や学術論文誌「Environmental DNA」「Evolutionary Applications」の設立・運営者として長年にわたり幅広い研究活動をリードしておられます。

共催: 日本学術振興会研究拠点形成事業(JPJSCCB20200007)