University Policies

policy regarding tuition remission participants

General Policies

The following is from Webster University's website:

"Webster University strives to be a center of academic excellence. The University makes every effort to ensure the following:

The University community is by nature pluralistic and diverse. Those who elect to participate in the Webster University community--students, faculty, staff, administrators, alumni, and directors--accept the responsibility of sharing in the effort to achieve the University's mission as an institution of higher learning. Each member is expected to respect the objectives of the University and the views of its members.

Participants in this shared enterprise strive to be governed by what ought to be rather than by what is. To accomplish its goals, members of the University community aspire to a higher standard than mere compliance with formalized University requirements and local, state, and federal laws.

Webster University endeavors to fulfill the following expectations:

Inquiry, discourse, and dissent, within the framework of an ordered academic environment, are seminal elements of a university community and of a free democratic society. Members of the Webster University community recognize this and are consequently supportive of democratic and lawful procedure and dedicated to rational approaches to solving problems. This assumes openness to change as well as commitment to historical values."


Webster University prides itself on being a school with a very diverse student body as well as having a diverse faculty and staff. All students, faculty, and staff must abide by Webster University's non-discrimination policy:

"Webster University is committed to non-discrimination and equal opportunity regarding the treatment of students, faculty and staff. The University considers employment, admissions, financial aid, programs, and activity applications without regard to race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, color, creed, age, ethnic or national origin, or disability."

All students at Webster must review and abide by the Student Code of Conduct and Procedures. Click on the heading to take you to the university's Student Code of Conduct and Procedures page. This would include topics such as:

attendance for face-to-face classes

registering for classes

dropping or withdrawing from classes

Chart for Tuition Refunds: 


The Ed.D. uses two grading scales:  


Grades reflect the following standards:

A/A-: Superior graduate work Instructors may choose not to use the pluses and minuses.

B+/B/B-: Satisfactory graduate work Instructors may choose not to use the pluses and minuses.

C: Work that is barely adequate as graduate-level performance

CR: Work that is performed as satisfactory graduate work (B– or better). A grade of "CR" is reserved for courses designated by a department, involving internships, a thesis, practicums, or specified courses.

NC: Unsatisfactory graduate work (used primarily by School of Education and for the WSBT 5000 course)

F*: Work that is unsatisfactory

I: Incomplete work

ZF: An incomplete which was not completed within one year of the end of the course. ZF is treated the same as an F or NC for all cases involving GPA, academic warning, probation, and dismissal.

W: Withdrawn from the course

WF: Unofficial Withdrawal: A student enrolled for the course, did not withdraw, and failed to complete course requirements. Used when, in the opinion of the instructor, there is insufficient completed work to evaluate academic performance. WF is treated the same as an F or NC for all cases involving GPA, academic warning, probation, and dismissal

NOTE: IP is not a letter grade assigned by an instructor, but it designates a course in progress for the current term.

*The School of Education (MAT, MA and EdS) does not utilize the "F" Grade.

academic honesty

Duration of Program

The doctoral program was designed to be a three-year program. There are certain situations that may delay graduation, for example: quality of writing, dissertation chair on leave, change of research topic, etc. However, students are expected to monitor their progress and try their best to complete the program within three years. Students will take 10 credits of EDOC 8000 for completing their dissertation writing in Year 3. In the event that the dissertation is not done, students will take 1 credit of EDOC 8010 per semester until completion. Please note that financial aid recipients should complete the program within three years as loan repayment may begin when 10 credits of EDOC 8000 are completed, which is the end of the third year. Please check with our financial aid office for more information (

Incomplete Grade guidance 

Effective June 1, 2020, the allowable time frame for grades of Incompletes has changed to two terms following the course end date.

Grade due dates and submission of grades of Incomplete

Undergraduate Summer 2020 first five-week session grades are due Friday, July 3. 

Grades of Incomplete are an option that faculty may select to allow students to complete their work if the situation is appropriate. Per catalog policy, appropriate situations are those “where the student has satisfactorily completed major components of the course and has the ability to finish the remaining work without re-enrolling.” (The graduate catalog policy is available at, and the undergraduate catalog policy is available at

Any faculty member who submits a grade of Incomplete (I) for a student will be prompted to complete the Incomplete Grade Form and provided with a button to access and complete the form.

Please be sure to complete the Incomplete Grade Form whenever a grade of Incomplete is submitted for a student. The Incomplete Grade Form is an important record-keeping and communication tool that allows various offices to complete the necessary procedures to give the student access needed to complete their work. The form also allows other members of the student’s success network to help the student successfully resolve their grade of Incomplete. 

Who do I contact if I have questions?

Faculty may connect with teams in the Academic Advising Center and the Academic Resource Center if they have any questions or need any clarification. Some examples of questions received in the past include the following:

1)       I have a student who has not attended class or completed any work for several weeks? Is an Incomplete appropriate? 

2)      I have a student who is missing most of the required work? Is an Incomplete appropriate?

3)      I have a student who plagiarized a major paper. Is an Incomplete appropriate? 

4)      I have a student who will need to take the class again in another semester in order to complete all of the content due to extenuating circumstances. Should I file an Incomplete for this semester?

In all of these cases, the answer is no, an Incomplete is not appropriate. Do not submit an Incomplete as the students’ grades or leave the students’ grade as In Progress (IP) in these situations. Instead, submit the appropriate earned grade for the students. If the students then contact you to discuss the grade after it is posted and you want to offer opportunities for the students to successfully complete the course, you still have options.

Feel free to reach out to the teams in the Academic Advising Center or the Academic Resource Center for assistance and to discuss those options.

To connect with the Academic Advising Center, please call 314-968-6972 or 800-982-3847 or email

To connect with the Academic Resource Center, please directly contact the appropriate member of the Academic Resource Center team ( or reach out to Erica Ellard, director of the Academic Resource Center, at 314-246-7702 or

In Progress (IP) grades vs. grades of Incompletes and important information about each

Some faculty question why it matters if grades of Incomplete are applied or In Progress (IP) grades are left in these situations. In short, these approaches can harm a student’s academic progress, course sequencing, persistence, and graduation/completion. Therefore, the following reminders are important:

1)       Do not leave In Progress (IP) grades in the system. Undergraduate Summer 2020 first five-week session grades are due by Friday, July 3.

2)      Grades of Incomplete should be used sparingly and only when a student has completed a majority of the coursework and has agreed to the remaining requirements and timeline.

3)      Grades of Incomplete should be carefully discussed with students if they are expecting to graduate/complete their programs at the end of the term or semester. Grades of Incomplete may delay students’ graduation/completion dates, and faculty should ensure that these students are aware of the possible delays.

4)      An electronic Incomplete Grade Form must be submitted when an Incomplete grade is posted. This form provides the necessary information for other faculty and staff members to support the student as they complete their work. It also provides details necessary for the Registrar’s Office to process the necessary grade changes on the specified dates. To learn how to access the electronic Incomplete Grade Form, access these directions

Once the forms are submitted, the Registrar’s Office posts the forms in the student’s folder in the Student Success Portal, powered by Starfish, so that faculty and staff members can access the information and appropriately assist the student.

5)      When issuing a grade of Incomplete, the faculty member must explicitly state the commitment of the student and the faculty member. The faculty of record is expected to grade submitted work and post a final grade, using the electronic Change of Grade Form (available through Connections), in a timely manner. 

6)      Students should not be awarded Incompletes in lieu of earning failing grades. If the student stops attending but fails to withdraw properly, the faculty of record should assign a student’s earned grade and/or a WF, not a grade of Incomplete. Incompletes should also not be awarded when faculty members have recommended students to the Academic Integrity Education Program (AIEP).

Anyone with questions about student-initiated withdrawals (W) and unofficial withdrawals (WF) may be find policy information in the academic catalogs (undergraduate catalog and graduate catalog).

While withdrawal deadlines are published in the Academic Calendar, late withdrawals may be requested by students completing this form

NOTE: Unofficial withdrawals (WF) should be used instead of failing grades (F) only if the student has stopped attending but has not officially withdrawn from the course.

Step-by-step guidance on assigning a grade of Incomplete

Review the guidance regarding Incompletes to ensure that grades of Incomplete are only being used in appropriate situations. The best practices for using the electronic Incomplete Grade Form are below:

Step-by-step guidance on assigning a grade of Incomplete.docx

Using the Student Success Portal, powered by Starfish, to boost successful completion of Incompletes

In order to improve tracking and successful resolution of Incomplete grades, we are leveraging features available in the Student Success Portal, powered by Starfish, including the following:

1)       Submitted electronic Incomplete Grade Forms are being uploaded into the Student Success Portal so that faculty and staff members may access the forms and the information they contain.

2)      Notes regarding changes to the original agreement for grades of Incomplete (e.g., extended deadlines) and/or administrative changes (e.g., the grade being updated) are being tracked in the Student Success Portal. Faculty members are encouraged to make notes regarding students’ progress with their Incompletes and any changes to the original agreement. It is recommended that faculty also email this information to,, to ensure that this information is fully communicated to all relevant offices that support students with grades of Incomplete. 

3)      A Concerning Grades: Incomplete (I) system flag is raised when a grade of Incomplete is posted, automatically sending a message to each student who has one or more grade of Incomplete posted. This flag remains active until the student’s grade(s) of Incomplete change to an earned or administrative grade. 

By more closely monitoring grades of Incompletes and their resolutions and ensuring that all grades are posted in a timely manner, Webster can help students remain on track to meet their academic goals.