
This podcast is part one of a two-part series about how to use technology to teach reading. It talks about all grades (K-12) which is super neat for educators, and allows for authentic scaffolding across many different grades. I really liked how this podcast gave different examples of how to use technology with reading, but didn't provide a "catch-all" solution.

A con was that the podcast felt a little long as it was only focusing on three tools from a larger list. I think if it would have focused on more tools with a little less of a description of each, it would have been more useful to me.

These podcasts are very hilarious and I really enjoyed them! They cover a number of different topics, but all to do with educational topics. The podcast I chose was "What Makes a Teacher Special to a Student?" The guest speaker read his diary from middle school about how he found an ally in his teacher.

I couldn't find a con in this podcast. It was funny and kept me engaged the whole time, which is usually pretty rare for me when listening to a podcast.