

January 1984—Revised 1991


The name of this association shall be: EASTERN OREGON ALL-TERRAIN VEHICLE ASSOCIATION (E.O.A.T.V.A.)


Mutually assist owners and users of Class I and Class III all terrain vehicles in all issues that may relate to and or affect the use of motorized vehicles on public or private lands. NO financial obligation is intended by this declaration.


SECTION 1. Compile and maintain information relating to land use by motorized vehicles such as proposed laws, proposed closures, etc.

SECTION 2. Inform and alert the members of EOATVA of pending and or proposed land closures, land use planning issues, or other actions that may affect the activities of the members.

SECTION 3. Co-operate with other off road vehicle organizations on land use and related problems.

SECTION 4. Develop guidelines for effective and constructive solutions to land use problems.

SECTION 5. Develop guidelines and procedures to effectively protect the rights of owners and users of all terrain vehicles.

SECTION 6. Support and assist government agencies in the development of areas for motorized vehicles on public and private lands.

SECTION 7. Promote educational programs pertaining to safe and responsible use of motorized vehicles on public and private lands.

SECTION 8. Actively participate and engage in public hearings and legislative sessions that involve issues that relate to the use of motorized vehicles.

SECTION 9. Keep members informed, through periodic newsletters of meetings. A copy of these Bi-Laws, meetings, and other business shall be made available for inspection by members upon request.


SECTION 1. The general membership of EOATVA shall consist of owners and users of Class I and Class III all terrain vehicles, or any other person who is in support of the use of motorized vehicles on public or private lands.

SECTION 2. All members participating in club rides must register their Class I and Class III ATVs with the State of Oregon, in accordance with State laws.

SECTION 3. Association membership shall consist of any interested group or business that wish to be a member of the association.

SECTION 4. Any individual or family affiliated with an associate member may also be a general member.


SECTION 1. Dues shall be payable by the end of the month of June of each year.

SECTION 2. Dues for general membership shall be ten dollars ($10.00) per year for members. Initial membership shall be fifteen dollars ($15.00) to cover cost of stickers, etc.


SECTION 1. The officers shall consist of a Board of Directors of at least seven (7) members of which will consist of one (1) President, one (1) Vice President, one (1) Secretary/Treasurer, two (2) Class I Board members and two (2) Class III Board Members.

SECTION 2. The President and the Secretary-Treasurer shall be elected on even numbered years by a majority vote of the membership and one Class I and one Class III member.

SECTION 3. The Vice President and one Class I and one Class III board member shall be elected on odd numbered years by a majority vote of the membership.

SECTION 4. All officers and board members must be dues-paying members of the association.


SECTION 1. The President shall preside at all meetings, carry out the policies and decisions of the membership, may appoint such committees as deemed necessary to carry out the objectives of the association, remove persons from the Board of Directors and or committees for non-performance of duties upon approval of the membership and shall co-sign all checks with the Secretary-Treasurer.

SECTION 2. The Vice president shall assist the President. The Vice President shall fulfill the duties of the President in his/her absence.

SECTION 3. The Secretary-Treasurer shall receive all monies, issue receipts, make bank deposits, and write all checks and submit them to the President for approval and signature. No monies in excess of two hundred fifty dollars ($250) shall be disbursed without prior approval of the board of directors. They shall maintain a complete bookkeeping record of all funds of the association, shall prepare a current financial report denoting all receipts and expenditures for presentation to the board of directors, prepare an annual summary and cause the books to be audited at the end of each fiscal year, shall co-sign all checks with the President. He/She shall be bonded in the amount of the annual budget, or in the amount of the liquid assets, whichever is greater.

SECTION 4. In the absence of the Secretary-Treasurer, any one of the three (3) officers is authorized to sign and issue checks as long as they are co-signed by one other officer and a record is kept of the Secretary-Treasurer.

SECTION 5. The board of directors shall control and manage the property, affairs and business of the association and assist the officers in making decisions on issues that relate to the association.

SECTION 6. The officers and board of directors shall meet at regular intervals upon timely notice as is deemed necessary to carry out business of the association.

SECTION 7. Two-thirds (2/3) of the officers and board of directors present shall constitute a quorum at all meetings.

SECTION 8. The board of directors may, in case of emergency, when time is a pressing factor, by order of the President, conduct necessary business by telephone. Any voting shall be confirmed in writing so as to retain a permanent copy of the vote.

SECTION 9. Officers and board members shall not be paid for their duties, but may be reimbursed for expenses incurred in the performance of their duties, upon approval of the board of directors.


SECTION 1. The association may acquire the services of a legal advisor to advise and work on behalf of the association.

SECTION 2. The legal advisor need not be a member of the association and shall be without voting privileges.

SECTION 3. The duties of the legal advisor shall be to assist and advise the association in all legal matters that may apply so as to protect the interest and credibility of the association.

SECTION 4. The legal advisor shall work under and be responsible to the President.


SECTION 1. The officers and board of directors shall meet at least every third month beginning with January of each year. Notice shall be sent to all officers and board of directors at least ten (10) days prior to the meetings.

SECTION 2. Special emergency meetings may be called upon request of the officers or board of directors provided all are notified a reasonable time in advance.

SECTION 3. Two Thirds (2/3) of the officers and board of directors present shall constitute a quorum at all meetings, either scheduled or special.

SECTION 4. A general meeting of all members shall be held at least once a year. Notice shall be sent to all members at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting.


The Secretary-Treasurer is authorized to accept donations and/or gifts, of whatever kind, to the association.


The fiscal year shall begin on July1 and end on June 30 of each year.


SECTION 1. These bi-laws may be amended at such time as is deemed necessary for the better interest of the association.

SECTION 2. Any amendments to these bi-laws must be approved by a majority vote of the officers and board of directors.


SECTION 1. Upon voluntary dissolution or decree ordering involuntary dissolution or liquidation, the assets of this association shall be disbursed in accordance with the state laws governing such actions in which the association is incorporated.

SECTION 2. This disbursement will be implemented in the following order:

A. Return all borrowed property

B. Pay all debts

C. The balance of the assets shall be given to the Union County Sheriff Posse Search & Rescue, a non-profit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Oregon.