
Archdeacons’ Visitations

We are writing to tell you about the forthcoming Archdeacon’s Visitations.

We’re delighted to be able to announce that this year the Visitation Services will be taking place in every Deanery.  The Visitation Services present an important opportunity to encourage, support and pray for Churchwardens.  In particular the ‘Archdeacons’ Charge’ gives us as Archdeacons a chance to thank Churchwardens for their ministry and to publicly endorse their crucial role in the leadership of our parishes.  Churchwardens are required to attend one of the visitations in order to be admitted to office as officers of the Bishop and take up their legal responsibilities.

All Visitations will begin at 7pm, and this year in addition to the service and refreshments, our time together will include a ‘marketplace’ element with key resource providers and organisations including the Mothers’ Union, Ecclesiastical (financial and insurance) advisers, members of our own Safeguarding team, Creation Care and others.  We hope that will give you a way to ask questions, seek advice and access resources to support you in your ministry.

Please attend the Visitation nominated for your Deanery, but if you are unable to do so, attend one of the others listed.  As well as Churchwardens and clergy, readers, licensed ministers, family and friends are also welcome to attend.  If a Churchwarden is unable to attend any of the Visitations, please contact the Archdeacons’ Office.

Before the date of the Visitation Service Churchwardens are asked to complete the Articles of Enquiry form online, or request a copy for printing from  

If you are a Churchwarden retiring from office, we want to thank you for your service over the past year.  We would also like to take this opportunity to thank those Churchwardens who have served faithfully for a number of years and are not seeking re-election.  Could all Churchwardens who are retiring please pass this letter and the declaration form on to their successor.

We look forward to meeting you at one of the Visitations in June.