Literature Review


The question is “Should pre-kindergarten be mandatory for all children in the state of Texas?” Pre-kindergarten contains children that are at or below the age of five. Three places around the world offer “Pre-kindergarten programs such as United States, Canada and Turkey”. (Texasgov; 2016). There are two different types of education that are equivalent to the pre-school. There care centered-child care there are about more than 9,000 child care centers that include licensed child and day care in which they are allowed to contribute and have someone teach them what a public pre-kindergarten program will since they are under the same Texas Agency of Education. Under the term centered based child care is the “Public Pre-Kindergarten program in which Texas offers to all the children that fit the requirements of being 4 or younger than that and must be from a low income family. For those who don’t fall under the category of low-income will have the opportunity to pay the tuition for their children to be able to participate in this education.

Throughout our research we have come to see many arguments about Pre-Kindergarten throughout Texas. Why should it be mandatory? Why doesn’t my child qualify for Pre-kindergarten? What are the benefits of our child being in this program? Many questions are brought up when talking about Pre-kindergarten. Some children are able to go and some aren’t able to go. So in reality what is the right answer, should it be mandatory in Texas or should it not. In this capstone project we will present many terms and topics that will conclude to one answer to this asked question: Should Pre-Kindergarten be mandatory in the state of Texas?

There are certain requirements that need to be taken into consideration when applying for Pre-Kindergarten. By Texas Education Agency they hold certain requirements such as be unable to speak and comprehend the English language or be educationally disadvantaged, which means a student eligible to participate in the national free or reduced-price lunch program be homeless, as defined by 42 United States Code. Be the child of an active duty member of the armed forces of the United States.

At age 3-5 the brain is at its finest moments and crucial ones as well. This is the point where the brain is developing at full speed and creating all these neurons and becoming an incredible piece of the human body. According to US News 90%-95% of the brain is developed in the first 5 years. Meaning that these years are crucial to the child’s life. This is not just education wise but yet, the love and attention that these kids receive will reflect on their persona when they are older and will also show in their education and in what they become. Pre-Kindergarten offers the opportunity to increase the development of the child to endure the rigorous pathway that they have yet to conquer. Pre-K strengthens all of their skills (soft skills) such as communication, social skills, learning technique, self- awareness, attention span, planning, problem solving, creativity, compassion, empathy, and a broader spectrum of education. The outcome of a broader and early opportunity of education will increase the development and the course of a child’s education. Since at this early age the brain is at the best point to expand the learning environment being provided for the student will help them expand their horizons and get a head start.

Children of age 3-5 will benefit from the Pre-Kindergarten program they will have a much more efficient head start and be able to start early. For those who in the state of Texas have a language barrier they will be well prepared for what’s to come. Texas no student left behind act is currently in action but, pre-kindergarten still remains to be non-mandatory.

The pre-kindergarten program has changed the lives of many students. The program has taught social skills to many different children starting at a very young age. Pre-kinder gives a child the opportunity of growth. Unless the student has previously attended daycare it will be the first time the child is in a structured setting with a teacher and other students. The child will be given the opportunity to learn to share, follow rules, and start the foundation for elementary learning.

As previously mentioned pre-kindergarten promotes social skills. In pre-kinder a child is learning developmental skills such as trust. A child needs to know that in the classroom are loving students and teachers ready to welcome them. When there is a nurturing environment a child is able to thrive and not fear ridicule. Children learning in a “real world environment” helps them learn with integrity. When the environment is similar to the one at home the child is more likely to thrive. In high quality preschools, teachers appreciate the parents’ feedback and the child is sent home with a daily report.

A structured environment helps young children learn to make friends and play well with others. It may not mean that a pre-kinder classroom needs to have plenty of rules or that there are extremely strict teachers. When in fact a high quality preschool it is hardly noticeable. Due to the way of organization, classrooms are organized to promote social interaction and minimize conflict between students.

The children are also able to make their own choices. When a classroom is well organized, there are plenty of different activities that a child of the age four or five will find intriguing. If the child wanders around the classroom they will find at least one of the activities along with another child therefore increasing the social interaction. The teachers are highly aware of a child wary of entering another child’s play and will confront the child offering ways of interaction.

Pre-kinder also helps young children develop fine motor skills. When a child’s physical coordination improves it allows the child to explore their own environment and to challenge themselves. Young children are constantly in motion and a high quality preschool can provide several opportunities for children to be active during the day, whether they would like to run, jump, or play other active games with other children. Other ways children develop fine motor skills is through treading beads or cutting with scissors. The child’s hand-eye coordination is constantly being challenged.