
We placed our photobook/scrapbook for two weeks at each location. We also attached contact information as to where to reach the both of us with any questions. We received many questions form all locations. Although, most of the questions did come obstetrician offices, mainly eager parents awaiting the birth of their first child. Their overall question was, “How will my child be affected if they do not go to Pre-K?” we explained to them how the book works. We continued to inform the parents on the scrapbook. The point of the book is to inform them on what their child is missing out on if they do not attend Pre-K. Pre-K is the foundation for all and if your child skips Pre-K and enters school at Kinder, they will not be up to date with what the rest of the class already knows. Ending in your child struggling for the rest of the year or being labeled as a lower education student, which will follow them through their entire student career.