

My partner and I observed for various days, we got the chance to see the kids in action and in their zone. We were able to observe the way they act in learning environment and see the difference between many kids, how all of them have a different learning skills and abilities. We were so amazed by the skills that kids pick up at that age. At age 3 they were socializing, making friends, they knew how to create sentences, learning the nouns, they have time to use technology. I believe that all the station that are provided for the children they get an opportunity to learn a skill. One that I was amazed by is they have a station in which they have certain shapes, they have to create a certain scenario, they explain what is going on, I think that this is very important because it gives them a sense of imagination. While observing these mentor hours, it was a way of understanding the importance of the program. The concrete foundation of an child's education is pre-kindergarten. It’s important and should be available (mandatory) for all children in the state of Texas.