
We started our capstone project research investigation with the hypothesis that “Pre-kindergarten should be mandatory for all children in the state of Texas because, the earlier the start of education is crucial for the best foundation.” Most of the issue here is that many parents do not understand how crucial it is for their child to get the best and earliest education they can get. If they get the opportunity to understand the benefits of prekindergarten program, they will understand the importance. Throughout this school year my partner and I focused our investigation on studying and analyzing children in a classroom to understand the skills and benefits they earn.

As a result of our research, we are more knowledgeable about the importance of pre-kindergarten and that it is not just coloring. They learn skills such as soft skills and how to use their imagination. We created a scrapbook of all of the things they learn and benefits they gain by attending one of the programs. After displaying and throughout our interviews we helped improve the knowledge by 100% of those who did not know the importance of a pre-kindergarten program.

At the conclusion of our project, we are more committed to our careers and becoming a teacher and neurologist. Kasidy in the aspect of a teacher and Monnette of the aspect as a doctor and brain growth of a child. We want to expand the importance of pre-kindergarten program until Texas has a Universal program which should be offered for all children to have the same opportunities. We are grateful to have such a great opportunity of research.