E1 in Liguria

Starting Point

Passo della Bocchetta (772 m.), at the border with Piedmont

End Point

Foce dei Tre Confini, also said Passo dei Due Santi, (1408 m.), at the border with Tuscany


146  km approx.

Which cities and towns does the E-path pass through

Being a ridge path, E1 does not cross neither cities nor other meaningful settlements. However it is more or less parallel to the coast and linked to it by regularly marked hiking trails, that in hours or 1/2 days Southbound on feet connect it e.g. with important tourism resorts (sea and history) like Camogli, Portofino, Rapallo, Sestri Levante, Cinqueterre and many others: actually most of coastal resorts can be easily reached not only by roads but as well by an efficiente and well strucured network of hiking paths (and viceversa E1 can be shortly reached from the coast). Also if the hiker is Northbound committed lesser but meanigful tourism and historical destinations can be reached, not only in Liguria, but as well in the bordering regions. Actually, a beatiful character of this route is that cities are near in space, but you feel them far in your heart and mind: a short stretch in space results into a long stretch in time.


The Ligurian mountain E-paths are E1 and E7 . They both are matched with AVML, that is Alta Via dei Monti Liguri, the full ridge path that with a total of approx. 440 Km. runs from France to Tuscany . More in details, Namely E1 enters in Liguria near passo della Bocchetta, meeting here the AVML and runs to East reaching Foce dei Tre Confini (for a total of 146 Km. length) where it enters in Tuscany.

In the initial part, from Passo della Bocchetta to Colla Nord del Lavagnola, the E-path E1 goes ahead together with E7. Roughly, E1 comes from North and goes to South, E7 comes from S-W and goes to N-E.

It is remarkable to remind that when E1 was conceived and initially released, it started from Flensburg in Germany (North Sea) and ended in the Mediterranean Sea exactly in the western part of the Genova town. Presently the old final part is still maintained by a FIE Associarion as historical E1 route.

To link E1 with AVML enriches greatly the possibility of maintenance and ensures as well mutual opportunities of promotion and diffusion. Hereiinafter a scheme of E1 in the Liguria path, with the indication of the corresponding stage of AVML and of the stages shared with E7:

Organisation(s) of Reference



Since its establishment in 1994, plenty of maps have been dedicated to AVML. Mainly with local diffusion. We mention here the last issue, that is also available on Internet (Amazon). it is a bundle of 4 waterproof maps at a scale 1:30.000, reporting also the main paths linked to it, that make possible the connection urban and country settlementes.

Alta Via Monti Liguri Sentiero Italia CAI, Mappa 15 

Map information and gpx tracks are available also on Internet, e.g. at:

Marking system

Crossing other E-paths

E1 intersects E7 and for a stretch runs together with it from Passo della Bocchetta to Passo della Scoffera


Medical Problems (NOT Emergency):  phone    116 117

Emergency (any): phone 112

What above is for general information. But it leads to sites where more detailed information is offered and updated, e.g. for tourism accommodation and transports. Finally most of accommodation facilities can be addressed through the commercial standard sites.


The accommodation facilities offer every possibility on the coast (if that is the logistic base): hotels, B&B, holidays homes, also for large groups going to the starting point by pullmann. A diffuse network of accommodiation is present in inland, even if singularly each of the node usually offer small numbers. Tourism portals, the only one that can offer hopefully updated information, are listed above.

the official list can be find at this lik


more info on AVM:


Many structures have seasonal openings and in the peak tourist season may be fully booked. ALWAYS CHECK AVAILABILITY


Liguria is served by a highway network running along the whole region and linking it to the West (France), the East (Tuscany) and the North (Piedmont, Lombardy, Emilia). Genova has an international airport serving both homeland and Europe destinations; other handy airports can be Nice, Pisa, and of course the Milan system. Railway connects it to France and peninsular Italy. Moreover the coast (Ventimiglia, Savona, Genova, La Spezia) has railways crossing the Alps and the Apennines and linking Genova and the Rivieras to Turin (for France) and Milan, a rail hub to everywhere in Europe.


E1 path in Liguria is a low mountain trek, reaching 1500 m asl only on a sumit (Sella di Monte Nero) in the eastern arm of the path. Mountain gear is required, and in winter snow can be found.


See inside above text.