E-1 in Campania
Northern Stretch
(Bocca della Selva - Avellino)

Starting Point

Bocca della Selva (BN)
1395 m a.s.l.

End Point

Avellino 335 m a.s.l.


177,5 km approx.

Which cities and towns does the E-path pass through

Bocca della Selva, Cusano Mutri, San Lorenzello, Casrelvenere, Solopaca, Cautano, Bonea and Montesarchio (Province of Benevento)

San Martino Valle Caudina, Cervinara, Pannarano, Pietrastornina, FIE Toppo del Monaco Refuge, Sant'Angelo a Scala, Summonte, Montevergine Sanctuary, Ospedaletto d'Alpinolo, Mercogliano, Avellino


From Bocca della Selva, the E1 route climbs to Monte Mutria (1823 m a.s.l.), the second highest peak in Campania, from which, on fine days, you can see the Tyrrhenian and Adriatic seas. From here you descend along an ancient mule track to Cusano Mutri, an ancient village where in June its streets are filled with flower petals for the Infiorata tradition. From Cusano we flank the Titerno River, which in this stretch forms several small waterfalls and several gorges, and continue to San Lorenzello, a village where excellent ceramics have been produced since the 16th century.

We cross the entire Solopaca Wine Valley, passing through vineyards as far as the eye can see, and through Castelvenere and Solopaca itself, to then tackle a demanding climb that takes us into the Taburno-Camposauro Regional Park, which is travelled over its entire extension, to then descend along the 'Sentiero del Re' (the Bourbons had their hunting grounds here) to Bonea and Montesarchio, where we find a beautiful castle and where the ancient 'Via Appia' passed.

This is where the Benevento section of the E1 ends.

In San Martino V. C. the Irpino section begins with the entrance to the Partenio Regional Park. We ascend towards the FIE Toppo del Monaco refuge, at 1160 metres above sea level, from which we reach the Sanctuary of the Madonna dell'Incoronata (16th century) and the Monastery-Sanctuary of Montevergine (1258 metres above sea level), built in 1124 by St. Guglielmo da Vercelli, where the Sacred Shrine was preserved during World War II.

From here we descend towards Avellino, the capital city of Irpinia.

In the Parthenio Regional Park there are several slip roads that, starting from the foothill villages of Cervinara, Pannarano, Pietrastornina, Sant'Angelo a Scala, Summonte, Ospedaletto d'Alpinolo and Mercogliano, intersect the main axis of the E1 in various parts.

Organisation(s) of Reference

Via Gramsci 16, 83100 Avellino, phone + 39 338 970 1983



Irpinia Trekking maps. IGM 1:25000 

Marking system

Crossing other E-paths



Medical Problems (NOT Emergency):  phone    116 117

Emergency (any): phone 112

Accomodation and Food

Along the E1 Campano path, in the urban and sub-urban sections, you can find services, bars, restaurants, pharmacies, shops, public transport, accommodation or B&Bs, agritourisms, handicrafts and typical products.


The first three Stages of the E 1 in Campania of the Benevento section, begin in the final part of the Matese mountain range and descend into the Valley of the Solopaca vineyards washed by the Titerno and Calore rivers in a hilly environment. The other two Samnite and the seven Irpine up to the capital Avellino, develop in a mountainous environment in the two Taburno - Camposauro and Partenio Parks, with continuous ups and downs through extensive beech forests, almost always with views of the gulfs of Naples and Sorrento.

The starting and finishing points can be reached by public transport (as well specified in the detailed descriptions on the FIEMaps website) and all the villages passed through or the Stages have all the necessary services for an excellent and peaceful welcome.


Useful Links
