E1 in Tuscany
Tuscany-Ligurian Junction Starting Point
Foce dei Tre Confini (1408 m asl)
Tuscany E1 starting Point
Paso dei Due Santi (1392 m asl)
End Point
Bocca Trabaria Pass (1049 m asl)
402 km approx.
Which cities and towns does the E-path pass through
Along its route, which mainly runs along the Apennine ridge, the E1 trail encounters few inhabited centres. In practice, during the first 17 stages, it only touches upon the village of San Pellegrino in Alpe, the tourist resort of Abetone, and the villages of Pracchia and Montepiano. Only along the last five stages do we encounter some small towns and important religious centres: Badia Prataglia, Camaldoli and its Hermitage, Chiusi della Verna, Caprese Michelangelo, Pieve Santo Stefano.
The Tosco Emiliano / Tosco Romagnolo section of the E1 trail connects to the Ligurian section at the Foce dei Tre Confini and continues in the Umbro Marchigiano section at the Bocca Trabaria Pass, after 22 stages along a route of more than 400 km, which runs mainly along the Apennine ridge.
The Foce dei Tre Confini (A Foxe in the Ligurian language) is a pass in the Ligurian Apennines not far from Mount Gottero (1640 m a.s.l.), the highest mountain in the province of La Spezia. This pass is located on the border between three regions (Tuscany, Emilia-Romagna and Liguria) and historically constituted a triple border point between three pre-unitary states: until 1797 it was the border between the Republic of Genoa, the Grand Duchy of Tuscany and the Duchy of Parma; after the annexation of the short-lived Republic of Genoa to the Kingdom of Sardinia it became the border point between the Kingdom of Sardinia, the Grand Duchy of Tuscany and the Duchy of Parma, finally losing its function after 1860. To this day, there are still boundary marks on the pass dated 1780.
Similarly, not far from the Bocca Trabaria Pass, Path E1 passes the slopes of Poggio i Tre Termini (1171 metres above sea level), the border between the regions of Tuscany, Umbria and Marche.
As a whole, the E1 trail has many stretches in common with the 'historic' Grande Escursione Appenninica (GEA), of which some trail markers can still be found, and with the CAI 00 / Sentiero Italia trail, as well as with other routes/itineraries. In particular, in the Tosco Emiliano section, the Alta Via dei Parchi, the Cammino di San Bartolomeo, the Via degli Abati, the Via Matildica del Volto Santo and others cross and/or partly overlap. This is a historical legacy: the Apennine ridge and trans-Apennine routes have for centuries been the vessels of the sap of trade, pilgrimages, and encounters between cultures on the two sides, which often share customs and traditions; it is no coincidence that the inaugural event of the Tratto Tosco Emiliano section of the E1 Trail was christened 'The Apennines Unite'.
From a technical point of view, the first ten stages of the Tosco Emiliano section of the E1 trail are typically high mountain: almost entirely over 1500 metres in altitude, we pass 2000 metres on the summit of Monte Prado (2054 m sol), with long stretches on ridges or slopes on the edge or beyond the tree line, with some short exposed passages, which, as far as possible, can be avoided by following the 'low variants' introduced for this purpose, compared to the classic ridge trails, such as the GEA or the CAI 00 trail. We cross areas with little human activity, where the charm of the open altitude, with its views as far as the eye can see, abundantly repays any effort required. The downside is that due to the low level of human habitation, the stage points are practically obligatory and sometimes the individual stages are long and with steep uphill and downhill gradients, thus requiring good training and adequate supplies of food and water for the day.
From the tenth stage onwards, with the long descent from Lake Scaffaiolo (1785 metres above sea level) towards Pracchia (678 metres above sea level), the characteristics of the routes change completely. They become medium mountainous, with long stretches of woodland, mainly beech woods, rare passages above 1500 metres, but always wonderful panoramic views over the valleys and towards the plains, sometimes even as far as the Adriatic and Tyrrhenian coasts. In this second part, we touch more frequently on inhabited villages, towns, historical, artistic and/or religious sites: to be mentioned are the junctions with the Gothic Line (theatre of furious battles in the Second World War) or the Sanctuary of La Verna, or the Hermitage of Camaldoli.
As mentioned, optional variants from the main route were introduced in order to avoid (mainly in the first stages) the exposed passages and to make Path E1 accessible to as many hikers as possible, while not precluding experienced hikers from walking the exposed ridges.
At the two ends of the Tuscan-Emilian section of the E1 trail, two commemorative plaques have been affixed, intended to be a 'Buon Cammino' to those who will walk it.
Organisation(s) of Reference
Federazione Italiana Escursionismo -FIE (Italian Hiking Federation)
Regional Committe of FIE - Comitato Regionale Toscano FIE
Regional Hiking Associarions partecipating to Stage marking:
Bellavista Escursioni stages 1, 2, 3
Avventura Trekking stage 4
Gruppo trekking Il Valico stages 5, 17
Piedi in Cammino stages 6, 7, 8
Gruppo Escursionisti Berardenga stages 9, 10
Gruppo Trekking Senese stage 11
Cmminando a Quercegrossa stage 11
Gruppo Escusionistico Barberinese stages 12, 13
Camminando nella Montagnola Senese stage 14
Gruppo Escursionistico Vicchiese stage 15
Gruppo Escursionisti Fiesole stage 16
Gruppo Trekking Bagno a Ripoli stages 18, 19
Gruppo Escursionistico Colori Organizzato stages 20,21,22
Sentiero E1 Cartoguida
dal Passo dei Due Santi al Passo di Bocca Trabaria
cartografia 1:50000
D.R.E.AM. Edizioni, Italia
ISBN 978.88-9480-927-5
Site FieMaps and App FIEMaps (dedicated to E-paths)
General Maps of the areas
4Land Appennino Ligure e Tosco-Emiliano 203E and 203W, ISBN: 9788889823941, scale 1:25.000
4Land Appennino ToscoEmiliano dal Lago Santo al Corno alle Scale 207, ISBN: 9791280496195, scale 1:25000
D.R.E.AM. Carta Escursionistica dell'Appennino Pistoiese, ISBN: 97888948090-22, scale 1:25000
D.R.E.AM. Carta dei Sentieri della Provincia di Prato, ISBN: 9791280398079, scale 1:25000
D.R.E.AM. Carta dei Sentieri della Provincia di Firenze 01 Appennino Fiorentino, ISBN 9788894809121, scale 1:25000
D.R.E.AM. Carta dei Sentieri della Provincia di Firenze 02 Mugello, ISBN 9788894809169, scale 1:25000
D.R.E.AM. Parco Nazionale delle Foreste Casentinesi, Monte Falterona e Campigna, ISBN 9791280398062, scale 1:25000
S.E.L.CA. "sentiero 50" dal Trasimeno alla Verna, scale 1:25000
D.R.E.AM. Valtiberina Toscana, ISBN 9788894809190, scale 1:25000
Marking system
Crossing other E-paths
Medical Problems (NOT Emergency): phone 116 117
Emergency (any): phone 112
Accomodation and Food
Passo dei Due Santi
Hotel La Gran Baita
phone1: +39 0187 1981342; phone2: +39 3347190672
Restaurant Hut Zum Zeri (Faggio Crociato)
same as La Gran Baita
Hotel La Catinella (a Patigno - 4 km downhill direction Pontremoli)
phone1: +39 0187 447125; phone2: +39 3398266704
Passo della Cisa
Hostel La Cisa
Temprarily closed
Capanna TWINS (TWINS Hut – bivouac)
phone1: +39 334 8696728
Lago Santo Parmense
Hut Lagdei (on the Variante to Lagdei)
phone1: +39 0521 889353
info@rifugiolagdei.it ; www.rifugiolagdei.it
Hut Giovanni Mariotti (on the lakeshore ay Lago Santo Parmense -CAI Parma)
phone1: +39 0521 889334; phone2: +39 349 2260668
Hut Sarzana (seasonal opening: each day from June to September, WE other months; winter bivouac always open)
Two Hours walk from Paduli Dam (Passo del Lagastrello), on the fourth stretch
phone1: +39 339 2245117
rifugiosarzana@gmail.com ; www.rifugiosarzana.it
Hotel – Hut Prato Spilla (seasonal opening) On the lower Variant T03.4
phone1: +39 0521 890194
Passo del Cerreto
Hotel Bar Restaurant Passo del Cerreto
phon 1: +39 0585 949666; phone2: +39 0522 898214; phone3: +39 0522 898146
info@passodelcerreto.it ; www.passodelcerreto.it
Passo di Pradarena
Hotel, Restaurant, Hut Carpe Diem
phone1: +39 0522 160 7395; phone2: +39 338 1327320
info@Hotelcarpediem.com ; www.Hotelcarpediem.com
Rosario Bivouac (kitchen, beds, heater, water spring) One Hour walk South from Cerreto Pass
Passo delle Radici
Hut Hotel Lunardi
temporarily closed
Hut Battisti (on the Variant T 6.1)
phone1: +39 0522 897497; phone2: +39 348 5954241
info@rifugio-battisti.it ; www.rifugio-battisti.it
Hut La Foce
phone1: +39 340 2333806
Hut Bargetana (on the Variant T 6.V2)
phone1: +39 0522 627756; phone2: +39 328 2612737
info@rifugiobargetana.it ; www.rifugiobargetana.it
Hut Il Pradaccio (On the Variant T6V1 to San Pellegrino in Alpe)
phone1: +39 339 8719534
Hotel Restaurant L'Appennino (San Pellegrino in Alpe)
phone1: +39 0583 649069 ; phone2: +39 0583 649112
Hotel Restaurant L’Alpino (San Pellegrino in Alpe)
phone1: +39 0583 649068
Holiday House B&B La Taverna del Pellegrino (San Pellegrino in Alpe)
tempporarily closed
phone1: +39 0583 649074; phone2: +39 333 6892692
Lago Santo Modenese
Hut Vittoria
phone1: +39 0536 71509; phone2: +39 388 7412473
info@rifugiovittoria.it ; www.rifugiovittoria.it
Hut Il Giovo
phone1: +39 0536 71556; phone2: +39 339 1676996
Boscolungo (Abetone)
NB: This well-known touristic area offers many other facilities. Some have seasonal opening. It strongly suggested to contact local Tourism Office https://www.facebook.com/abetoneproloco/
Youth Hostel Bucaneve
phone1: +39 0573 60117; phone2: +39 0585 51747; phone3: +39 338 9666011
bucaneve@abetone.com ; www.Ostelloabetone.it
Pensione Noemi (loc Le Regine)
phone1: +39 0573 60168; phone2: +39 366 9869233
Hotel Tirolo (loc Le Regine)
phone1: +39 0573 60334; phone2: +39 339 2558368
info@Hoteltirolo.it ; www.Hoteltirolo.it
Lake Scaffaiolo
Hut Duca degli Abruzzi
phone1: +39 0534 53390 ; phone2: +39 347 7129414 ; phone3: +39 338 4884782
rifugiolagoscaffaiolo@gmail.com ; www.rifugiolagoscaffaiolo.it
Hotel Restaurant Melini
phone1: +39 0573 490026
info@Hotelmelini.com ; www.Hotelmelini.com
Passo di Collina (approx Half Stretch T 11)
Casa nel Bosco, via vecchia Bolognese, Passo di Collina (PT)
phone1: +39 333 3839538
Baita del Termine
phone1: +39 3921115825
Cascina di Spedaletto
Centro Visite Cascina di Spedaletto
phone1: +39 338 3037439 ; phone2: +39 3471933742
Azienda Agriforestale Iori Massimo (Restaurant only)
phone1: +39 3391471473
Hut Pacini (seasonal opening) (Half-way Stretch T12 )
phone1: +39 366 898 5418
info@caiprato.it; www.caiprato.it/informazioni/Hut-luigi-pacini-al-pian-della-rasa
Posto Tappa GEA, via della Badia 44
phone1: + 39 339 1831692
Hotel Restaurant Margherita
phone1: +39 0574 959926
www.margheritahotel.com; hotel@margheritahotel.com
Passo della Futa
Hotel Restaurant “Passo della Futa”
phone1: +39 055 815255
passodellafuta1890@gmail.com ; www.passodellafuta.com
Camping La Futa
phone1: + 39 328-9248746; phone2: +39 333-1148501
info@campinglafuta.it ; www.campinglafuta.it
Monolocale sulla Via degli Dei
phone1: +39 370 3454162
Passo del Giogo di Scarperia
Hotel Restaurant Il Giogo
phone1: +39 055 8468320: phone2: +39 335 7495602
rist.ilgiogo@tin.it ; www.passodelgiogo.it
Alpine Hut Casa al Giogo
phone1: +39 333 845 8770
info@casaalgiogo.it ; www.casaalgiogo.it
Passo della Colla di Casaglia
Hut I Diacci (from Capanna Marcone -2,2 km before the Pass, take path 743 CAI, 35 minutes walk
shuttle from/to the pass available
phone1: +393397722208; phone2: +39 0550763031
Hut Casaglia (4,6 km from the Pass, in loc Casaglia)
phone1: +39 055 667546; C: +39 339 8740786 ; phone3: +39 055 8402810
Passo del Muraglione
Mimmo’s holiday house (2,8 km from the Pass, on the Road 67 to Pontassieve)
phone1: +39 329 0614931
zio.simone@libero.it; www.mimmoholidayhouse.com
Azienda Agricola Podere I Lastri (on the path CAI 2 from Colla dei Lastri, less than 1 km, 15 minutes walk)
phone1: +39 338 888 1402 ; phone2: +39 3470342080
info@podereilastri.it ; www.podereilastri.it
Passo della Calla
Hut CAI Città di Forlì (on the stretch, few minutes from the pass)
(Temporarily closed)
Chalet Burraia (on the stretch, few minutes from the pass)
phone1: +39 0543 980006 ; phone2: +39 335 6565764
info@chaletburraia.it ; www.chaletburraia.it
Hut “La Calla”
phone1: +39 333 5441554
Hutcaicalla@gmail.com ; www.caistia.it/Hut-de-la-calla
Badia Prataglia
NB: This well-known touristic area offers many other facilities. Some have seasonal opening. It strongly suggested to contact local Tourism Office https://www.badiaprataglia.net/
Hotel Restaurant La Foresta
phone1: +39 0575 559009
info@Hotellaforesta.eu ; www.Hotellaforesta.eu
Pensione Giardino
phone1: +39 0575 559016
Chiusi della Verna
NB: This well-known touristic area offers many other facilities. Some have seasonal opening. It strongly suggested to contact local Tourism Office http://www.prolocoverna.it/
Foresteria Santuario de La Verna
phone1: +39 0575 5341 ; phone2: +39 0575 534210
santuarioverna@gmail.com ; www.laverna.it/accoglienza
Hotel Restaurant Bellavista
phone1: +39 0575 599029
gilbertogabelli@gmail.com ; www.bellavistHotel.com
Hotel Restaurant Letizia
phone1: +39 0575 599020 ; phone2: +39 0575 599206 ; phone3: +39 334 3209082
info@Hotel-letizia.it ; www.Hotel-letizia.it
Caprese Michelangelo
NB: This well-known touristic area offers many other facilities. Some have seasonal opening. It strongly suggested to contact local Tourism Office https://www.facebook.com/prolocomichelangelo/
Hotel Restaurant Cristallo
phone1: +39 0575 793839
nicolettalombardi64.nl@gmail.com ; www.RestaurantHotelcristallo.com
Restaurant Hotel “La Buca di Michelangelo”
phone1: +39 0575 793921 ; phone2: +39 0575 793941
info@bucadimichelangelo.it ; www.bucadimichelangelo.it
Passo di Viamaggio
Hotel Imperatore (5 km from th Pas, loc Valdazze)
phone1: +39 335 624 9274
Holiday House Cà la fonte (400 meters from the Pass)
phone1: +39 339 3028614
Passo di Bocca Trabaria
Oasi San Benedetto (5 km from the Pass, loc Lamoli)
phone1: +39 0722 80133
lamoli@oasisanbenedetto.it ; coloriappennino@libero.it ; WWW.oasisanbenedetto.it
The following Places can be reached by Public Transportation; details are in the links attached
Patigno (Start Stage 1) https://moovitapp.com
Stages 1,2, 3 https://www.tep.pr.it/servizi-speciali/pronto-bus-extra/
Passo del Brattello loc Dogana a 500 m from the pass owards Parma,
Ostello della Cisa (a 4 km from the Pass) towards Parma
Cirone Pass
Prato Spilla
Passo del Lagastrello (Diga Paduli)
Stage 5,6,8,9,1011,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19, 20, 21, 22 https://moovitapp.com
Cerreto Pass
Pradarena Pass
Abetone Pass, Boscolungo, Le Regine
Collina Pass
Cascina di Spedaletto
Futa Pass
Giogo di Scarperia Pass
Colla di Casaglia Pass
Muraglione Pass
Calla Pass
CamaldoliBadia Prataglia
Chiusi dela Verna
Caprese Michelangelo
Pieve Santo Stfano
Viamaggio Pass
Bocca Trabaria Pass
The first ten stages of the E1 Tosco Emiliano trail are in a high mountain environment, with long stretches of ridge; good training, high mountain clothing (modulated according to the season) and boots are absolutely necessary; some stages are long, but there is always the possibility of an overnight stay at a facility on the route or at a reasonable distance from the stage point. On stages 11 and onwards, the route is medium mountain, but always requires training and equipment appropriate to the season.
Useful Links
FIEMaps app freely downloadable from Apple Store and PlayStore