
MS. Complex light as a tool to understand and exploit dynamical systems for novel applications

Organizers: Kathy Ludge, Technische Universit\"{a}t Ilmenau, Institut f. Physik, Germany, Massimo Giudici, Universit´e Cote d'Azur, CNRS, Institut de Physique de Nice, France,  Cristina Masoller, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Terrassa, Spain

Thanks to unprecedented advances in the fabrication of new optically active materials in the micro and nanoscale, there has never been a better time to study nonlinear dynamics, instabilities and chaos in the optical domain. In this Minisymposium, we propose 8 talks given by well-known experts in the field, who will present recent advances and will discuss the main challenges for the characterization and utilization of complex spatio-temporal light beams. Those light beams are generated by the complex mechanisms of light matter interaction and thus involve a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. As a result, a variety of complex emission states emerge, including temporal localized structures, frequency combs and broad band chaos. All of those are of great interest for various applications range from optical communication to machine learning and this Minisymposium will be an opportunity to foster new interactions between the different fields.

Session 1/2. Monday,10:15- 12:00 

10:15-10:35. Kathy L{\"u}dge. Optical reservoir computing with Spin-VCSELs: How mode-coupling and time-scales change the  information processing rate

10:35-10:55. Massimo Giudici. Spatio-temporally Structured Light in a Degenerate-Cavity Mode-Locked Laser

10:55-11:15. Sergei K. Turitsyn. Asymmetric nonlinear pulses in fibre-optic systems

11:15-11:35. Davide Pierangeli. Spatially complex light for computing, communication and biophotonics 

Session 2/2. Monday, 17:30- 19:15

17:30-17:50. P. Parra-Rivas. Localization of spatiotemporal chaos in driven dissipative systems with parabolic potential

17:50-18:10. Tushar Malica. Phase-Conjugated Optical-Feedback Systems: A Source of Spatiotemporally Complex and Nonlinear Dynamics

18:10-18:30. Gianni Giacomelli. Complex active optical networks as a new laser paradigm

MS. Analysis and control of cardiac dynamics: experiments, modeling, and simulations. 

Organizers: Simonetta Filippi, Alessio Gizzi, Alessandro Loppini, Department of Engineering, Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome, Rome, Italy, Grzegorz Graff, Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics & BioTechMed Center, Gda\'{n}sk University of Technology, Gda\'{n}sk, Poland, Marcel H\"orning, Institute of Biomaterials and Biomolecular Systems, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany, Stefan Luther, Ulrich Parlitz, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, G\"ottingen, Germany

In this mini-symposium, various aspects of the nonlinear dynamics of the heart will be analyzed and discussed. These include methods of signal analysis to diagnose pathological changes in the heartbeat (e.g., atrial fibrillation), multivariate time series analysis to quantify the interaction of the heart with other organs and physiological processes (e.g., respiration), simulation and control of (chaotic) excitation dynamics in the myocardium, methods to terminate life-threatening ventricular fibrillation (low-energy defibrillation), development of feedback control methods in optogenetically modified myocardial cells, new machine learning methods for analysis and data-driven modeling of complex spatiotemporal data (e.g., from optical mapping or ultrasound), spatiotemporal signals analysis to detect and predict cardiac alternans, bioengineered tissue applications to highlight the interplay between cardiac cells and extracellular matrix, detailed multiscale cardiac modeling aiming to dissect the role of subcellular exchangers and heterogeneity at the tissue scale in emergent cardiac dynamics. The speakers come from different fields ranging from theoretical and experimental basic research to clinical application. We therefore expect that this mini-symposium will not only be a platform for the exchange of current research results, but will also lead to new collaborations between the participating researchers and research areas that will address current and future medical needs using novel concepts from data analysis and dynamical systems theory.

Session 1/3 (excitation wave dynamics and time series) . Monday, 10:15- 12:00  

10:15-10:35. Anna Crispino. A cross-species thermo-electric characterization of alternans development on synchronous voltage-calcium fluorescence signals under pacing-down restitution protocols

10:35-10:55. Julia Erhardt. Spatiotemporal alternans regulation under bioengineered tissue conditions

10:55-11:15. Luca Franco Pavarino. Role of Scar and Border Zone Geometry on the Genesis and Maintenance of Re-Entrant Ventricular Tachycardia in Patients With Previous Myocardial Infarction

11:15-11:35. Elena G. Tolkachova. Similarity score for the identification of active sites during patient-specific catheter ablation of

atrial fibrillation 

11:35-11:55. Riccardo Pernice. Mutual Information Rate Decomposition as a Tool to Investigate Coupled Dynamical Systems: Estimation Approaches, Simulations and Application to Physiological Signals

Session 2/3 (machine learning and control). Tuesday, 15:15-17:00

15:15-15:35. Inga Kottlarz. Reconstructing Dynamics of Three-Dimensional Excitable Media From Partial Observations

15:35-15:55. Jan Christoph. Predicting Cardiac Electrophysiology from Motion using Deep Learning  

15:55-16:15. Sebastian Herzog. Fusion of data and expert knowledge to model cardiac dynamics

16:15-16.35. Sayedeh Hussaini. Efficient Termination of Cardiac Arrhythmias using Optogenetic Resonant Feedback Pacing

16:35-16:55. Stefan Luther. Taming cardiac arrhythmias: Terminating spiral wave chaos by adaptive deceleration pacing. 

Session 3/3 (cellular level and medical applications). Wedensday 15:15-17:00

15:15-15:35. Jean Bragard. Sub-cellular description of cardiac action potential propagation with gap junctions dynamics

15:35-15:55. Enric Alvarez Lacalle. Calcium homeostatic self-regulation from normal pacing to waves. Insights on the role of NCX/SERCA and RyR2 activity      

15:55-16:15. Blas Echebarria. Structural changes in intracellular calcium handling in patients with AF determines the spatial distribution of calcium sparks in a model of human atrial myocytes

16:15-16:35. Klaudia K Proniewska. The 12-lead ECG Amplitudes Distribution for normal healthy controls   

16:35-16:55. Beata Graff. Studying both cardiovascular and respiratory variability: potential and challenges

MS. Critical transitions and partial synchronization in networks

Organizers: Eckehard Schoell, Technische Universit\"{a}t Berlin, Institut f\"{u}r Theoretische Physik, Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience (BCCN) Berlin, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Germany, Ralph G. Andrzejak, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain

Session 1/2. Monday, 10:15- 12:00  

Nonequilibrium phase transitions and critical behavior have recently become a focus of research in dynamical networks. Synchronization transitions of various kinds may arise, giving birth to a plethora of partial synchronization patterns and complex collective behavior, tipping transitions, noise-induced transitions, early warning signals, explosive synchronization, nucleation, critical slowing down, etc. As we will review in this mini-symposium, applications can be found for many natural, socioeconomic, and technological systems. These studies presented here therefore contribute to neuroscience, applied mathematics, epidemiology, economics, among other fields.

10:15-10:35. Peng Ji. Impact of Network Motifs on Response Dynamics

10:35-10:55. Jan Nagler. Superuniversality in Growing and Breaking Networks

10:55-11:15. Fakhteh Ghanbarnejad. Interacting contagious dynamics: from theory to applications

11:15-11:35. Soren Nagel. Coherence Resonance in a Macroscopic Agent Based Model for Economic Growth

11:35-11:55. Yong Xu. Early warning and suppression of noise-induced critical transitions

Session 2/2. Wednesday, 10:15- 12:00 

Networks in nature often consist of several interacting subnetworks, the brain being the most complex and intriguing example. For communicating brain areas neither complete synchronization nor complete desynchronization would allow for a proper function. Instead, some partial synchronization is essential not only within areas but also across areas. Thus, the analysis and modelling of neuronal oscillations and synchronization, which reflect the communication within and across different brain areas, is key in advancing our understanding of the brain. The role of neuronal oscillations and synchronization for cognitive processes such as information routing and the physiological process of sleep will be discussed. This will also lead us to look at the role of network topology in basic models of sleep regulation. Furthermore, the impact of spike-frequency adaptation on neuronal oscillations and synchrony will be illustrated. We conclude with a glimpse on recent advances on chimera states, which are paradigmatic for the coexistence of synchronization and desynchronization. In particular, this includes the study of multilayer networks, which closes the loop to networks composed of interacting subnetworks.

10:15-10:35. Theo Geisel. Neuronal Synchrony and Dynamical Mechanisms of Flexible Information Routing in the Brain

10:35-10:55. Jens Christian Claussen. From unihemispheric to local: synchronization from complex neural networks to sleep regulation

10:55-11:15. Simona Olmi. Population spiking and bursting in next-generation neural masses with spike-frequency adaptation

11:15-11:35. Johanne Hizanidis. Dynamical properties of neuromorphic Josephson junctions

11:35-11:55. Sarika Jalan. Co-existence of chimera and explosive synchronization in multilayer networks

MS. Many shades of causality analysis: From complexity and compressibility through transitions to extreme events. Monday, 10:15- 12:00 

Organizer: Milan Paluvs, Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic

Any scientific discipline strives to explain causes of observed phenomena. Evolving systems provide measurable quantities which can be registered in consecutive instants of time and stored in datasets called time series. Granger causality and its generalizations opened the possibility to distinguish cause and effect by time series analysis. In this MS we present several novel or non-traditional approaches to causality analysis. The level of complexity, measured either by dimensions or entropies, can distinguish cause from effect. Complexity relates to data compressibility, thus the Granger approach ``the knowledge of the cause improves the predictability of the effect'' can be translated into a computer-science language as ``the knowledge of the cause changes the compressibility of the effect data.''  Usual time-series approaches assume stationarity and ergodicity for processing a single system trajectory. There are situations when a transient state can be repeatably recorded, e.g. evoked potentials in neuroscience. We can see that an ensemble of transient states can  be used for inference of causality, and transients or perturbations help to uncover the cause-effect relation in states when inference of causality is obscured by synchronization. Finally we focus on systems with extreme events and heavy-tailed probability distributions to demonstrate that information-theoretic formulation of Granger causality (conditional mutual information, transfer entropy) translated into the R\'{e}nyi entropy concept can help to identify causes of extreme events.

10:15-10:35. Anna Krakovska. A two nearest neighbors estimator for R\'{e}nyi dimensions and entropies, with implications for identifying causality

10:35-10:55. Jozef Jakub'ik. Non-linear smoothing of noisy chaos

10:55-11:15. Aditi Kathpalia. Causal inference for time series using compression-complexity

11:15-11:35. Pouya Manshour. Ensemble based causality detection in transient states: detecting time resolved causal links in the brain

11:35-11:55. Milan Palus. Non-Shannonian information theory connects inference of causality and understanding of extreme events

MS. Network Perturbations. 

Organizers: Ulrike Feudel, University of Oldenburg, Germany, Klaus Lehnertz, University of Bonn, Germany.

Network perturbation can be understood as either tiny or large modification of a network constituent (node or vertex, link or edge) or groups thereof. The perturbation may be exogenous or endogenous, could be short- or long-lasting, and may range from removing a constituent to modifying its properties. Network perturbations can differently affect structure, dynamics and function of networks and are thus employed in various contexts, from investigations of the network’s stability via identification of spurious network constituents to studies on diverse network dynamics (such as synchronization, pattern formation, diffusion, cascading failures, or spreading phenomena). This minisymposium discusses several data-driven, analytic and numerical approaches to network perturbations with applications in diverse fields, ranging from power grids via neural networks to social media and financial markets.

Session 1/2. Monday, 12:00-13:45

12:00-12:20. Klaus Lehnertz. Network perturbations - an overview

12:20-12:40. Dimitris Kugiumtzis. Community detection in correlation networks from multivariate time series using resampling and canonical correlation analysis: tracking structural changes in financial markets

12:40-13:00. Cristina Masoller. Characterizing social information spreading by using event-synchronization and causality measures

13:00-13:20. Timo Broehl. Identifying superfluous network constituents via network perturbations

13:20-13:40. Kalel Rossi. Small changes at single nodes can shift global network dynamics

Session 2/2. Tuesday, 10:15-12:00

10:15-10:35. Bruno R. R. Boaretto. The effect of bistability in the synchronization of identical neurons

10:35-10:55. Everton Medeiros. State-dependent vulnerability of synchronization

10:55-11:15. Leonardo Rydin Gorjao. Stability criteria for dynamical power-grid systems models 

11:15-11:35. Geza Odor. Non-local cascade failures and synchronization dynamics and stability improvement on power grids

MS. Adaptive networks: from neurons to phase oscillators

Organizers: Simona Olmi, Institute for Complex Systems-CNR $\&$ INFN, Sesto Fiorentino, Italy, Francesco Sorrentino, University of New Mexico Albuquerque, USA, Alessandro Torcini, CY Cergy Paris Université, Cergy-Pontoise, France

The aim of this symposium is to summarize different perspectives on the concept of adaptivity in complex dynamical systems and review open challenges relevant to this research area.  Adaptivity is a dynamical feature that is omnipresent in biological, socio-economic, and technological systems. For example, adaptive couplings appear in various real-world systems, such as power grids, social, and neural networks. The definition of ``adaptivity'' may vary among different research communities. While ``adaptability'' generally refers to the ability of a system to amend some of its properties in response to dynamic (external or intrinsic) changes, the specific details of adaptive mechanisms depend on the particular context, e.g. how a system evolves in response to adaptation, and which strategies enable the perception (or sensing) of such changes. Though the mathematical framework for describing adaptive mechanisms and adaptive systems usually varies across different disciplines, a common unifying framework is that of ``networks'', for which a general theory of adaptivity is well established. We take this perspective, and review different applications of adaptation in networks, with a special focus on neural systems, coupled phase oscillators and power grids.

Session 1/3. Monday, 15:15-17:00

15:15-15:35. Silvia Scarpetta. Critical Dynamics in a network with Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity

15:35-15:55. Hernan Makse. Symmetry fibrations in biological networks

15:55-16:15. Yannick Feld. Coexistence of asynchronous and clustered dynamics in noisy inhibitory neural networks

16:15-16:35. Francesco Sorrentino. Adaptation and cluster synchronization in networks of neurons: a dimensionality reduction approach to the study of stability of the synchronous solution

Session 2/3. Tuesday, 15:15-17:00

15:15-15:35. Eckehard Scholl. Nonequilibrium phase transitions and nucleation phenomena in adaptive neural networks and power grids

15:35-15:55. Anna Buttner. Complex Couplings - A universal adaptive network formulation of power grid dynamics

15:55-16:15. Alejandro Carballosa. Exploring cluster states in a network of Kuramoto oscillators with higher-order interactions

16:15-16:35. Oleh Omel'chenko. Periodic solutions in next generation neural field models

Session 3/3. Wednesday, 12:00-13:45

12:00-12:20. Inmaculada Leyva. Emergent explosive synchronization in adaptive networks

12:20-12:40. Igor Franovic. Switching dynamics in excitable systems with adaptation

12:40-13:00. Raphael Bergoin. Inhibitory neurons control the consolidation of neural assemblies via adaptation to selective stimuli

13:00-13:20. Alessandro Torcini. A robust balancing mechanism for spiking neural networks

MS. Extreme events: Forecasting and characterizing them from time series analysis.  Monday, 17:30-19:15

Organizers: Elbert E. N. Macau, Institute of Science and Technology, Federal University of Sao Paulo, Sao Jose dos Campos-SP, Brazil, Cristina Masoller, Departament of Physics, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Terrassa, Spain

From a dynamical perspective, an extreme event takes place in a system if its trajectory in phase space suddenly starts to evolve in a different region from the one in which the system usually evolves. As so, two cases can be distinguished: (i) The reconstructed attractor suddenly increases, but after a short period of time, it shrinks back to its original size; (ii) The underlying attractor is destroyed and is replaced by another one located in a different part of the phase space. In the output signals of complex systems, these events manifest as extreme variations and transitions to different dynamical regimes. This symposium aims to present methods to anticipate the occurrence of an extreme event and allow its dynamical characterization from time series analysis. The methods presented here had their performance evaluated in time series from climate and laser systems.

17:30-17:50. Elbert E. N. Macau. Characterizing extreme drougth events

17:50-18:10. Michael Small. Detecting transitions in dynamical and industrial systems

18:10-18:30. Mathias Marconi. Direct measurement of critical slowing down in an optical system at a tipping point

18:30-18:50. Joe Hart. Noisy delay-coupled networks:  Machine learning link inference and optoelectronic experimental tests

MS. Coupled phase oscillators: Fundamentals to applications in Brain and Power Grid. Monday, 17:30-19:15

Organizers: Sarika Jalan, Indian Institute of Technology Indore, India, Mehrnaz Anvari, Fraunhofer Institute for Algorithms and Scientific Computing (SCAI), Germany

Since its inception in 1970's by Kumamoto, coupled Kuramoto oscillators have been one of the most successful models to comprehend the dynamical behaviours of many real-world complex systems, Brain and Power-grid being the two most popular ones. Not only this, at fundamental level, the coupled Kumamoto oscillators model has been useful in providing origin to several emerging phenomena such as first and second -order transition to synchronization and Chimera. Recent drive in the direction of higher-order interactions have again brought the coupled Kumamoto oscillators in limelight by its ability to continuously depicting new emerging phenomena beyond the capabilities of pair-wise interactions. The mini-symposium aims to bring together the scientists working on the application of the Kuramoto model (KM) in the power grid and higher order interactions in KM to open a new pathway of research on both sides.

17:30-17:50. Melvyn Tyloo. Disruption of layered Kuramoto oscillators

17:50-18:10. Ralph G. Andrzejak. A plentitude of across-layer synchronization types in multilayer chimera state networks

18:10-18:30. Xinyi Wen. Statistical characterization of power grid frequency

18:30-18:50. Moritz Thuemler. Voltage or no voltage? --  Nonlinearities and instabilties in the dynamics of power grids

18:50-19:10. Jakob Niehues. Resonant Velocity Tuning of Solitary States in Complex Net-works 

MS. Nonautonomous dynamical systems in the climate sciences

Organizers: Michael Ghil, Ecole Normale Sup\'erieure, Paris, and University of California at Los Angeles, Stefano Pierini, Parthenope University of Naples, Naples, Tam\'as T\'el, E\H otv\H os University, Budapest

Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our times. The problem is nonautonomous, since the forcing of the climate system and some of its basic parameters change in time. Changes in atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases lead to a monotonic increase in the radiation balance and hence to increasing globally averaged surface temperatures. Furthermore, atmospheric and oceanic turbulence and many other nonlinearities lead to complex and unpredictable behavior as well. Overall, climate has therefore deterministically chaotic as well as random features. In contrast to traditional chaos, the very high dimension of the climate system renders a description of the ``climatic attractor'' and of its predictability rather difficult. Qualitatively, one can imagine a multitude of possible instantaneous climatic states, a concept that helps interpret the climate's ``internal variability,'' whether chaotic or not. Even if a single state is observed at a given time instant, many others are also permitted due to the dynamics' chaotic nature.  Individual states are not predictable; the full plethora of permitted states, along with their associated weights, is, however, predictable. In mathematical terms, the climatic attractor is time dependent: it is a so-called snapshot or pullback attractor, which possesses a unique natural measure at any instant of time. This measure can, in principle, be determined with arbitrary accuracy, and the averages and momenta taken with respect to it form the base of probabilistic climate predictions. A basic difference between climate behavior and low-dimensional chaos is the presence of a wide range of time and space scales. These arise from the nature of the different subsystems --- e.g., atmosphere, oceans and ice masses --- and basic components of the climate system, such as greenhouse gases and aerosols. In addition, spatial patterns and strong spatio-temporal correlations giving rise to so-called teleconnections are observed to evolve in time. In this context, the aim of this Minisymposium is to present the most recent developments in the numerical simulation of nonautonomous and random dynamical systems, as applied to the climate sciences, to show examples of the complex behavior that arises in specific applications, and to describe basic mathematical tools for their analysis.

Session 1/3 (Extremes, tippings, teleconnections). Tuesday, 10:15-12:00

10:15-10:35. Michael Ghil. Dynamical Systems Meet Algebraic Topology in the Climate Sciences

10:35-10:55. Ulrike Feudel. Rate-induced Tipping in Predator-Prey Systems

10:55-11:15. Stefano Galatolo. Rare Events and Hitting Time Distribution for Discrete Time Samplings of Stochastic Differential Equations

11:15-11:35. Juergen Kurths. Forcing of Teleconnections among Tipping Elements in the Climate System

11:35-11:55. Camille Hankel. An Approach for Projecting the Timing of Abrupt Winter Arctic Sea Ice Loss

Session 2/2 (General nonautonomous aspects). Wednesday, 15:15-17:00

15:15-15:35. Mickael D. Chekroun. Stochastically Augmented Realism and Stochastic Smale's Horseshoes from Time Delay Systems

15:35-15:55. Dan Crisan. Asymptotic Behaviour of the Forecast-Assimilation Process with Unstable Dynamics

15:55-16:15. Bernardo Maraldi. Changes in intraseasonal atmospheric variability under climate trends

16:15-16:35. Thierry Penduff. The OCCIPUT Ensemble Simulation: Describing the Ocean Variability as an Atmospherically-Modulated Oceanic ``Chaos"

Session 3/3 (Pullback and snapshot approaches). Thursday, 10:15-12:00

10:15-10:35. Denisse Sciamarella. A Templex for a Reduced-Dimension Ocean Model

10:35-10:55. Gábor Drótos. In Search of the Definition of Climate as a Conditional Probability Measure

10:55-11:15. Stefano Pierini. The Pullback Attractors of an Excitable Low-Order Ocean Model with Periodic, Aperiodic and Monotonically Drifting Forcing

11:15-11:35. Dániel Jánosi. Quantitative and Qualitative Methods to Describe Chaos in Nonautonomous Systems As Models For Climate Change

MS. Dynamics of Soft Matter: flow, motility, collective behaviour, synchronisation

Organizers: Dezso Horvath, University of Szeged, Istvan Lagzi, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Federico Rossi, University of Siena

Controlling chemical processes in far-from-equilibrium conditions is one of the most ambitious challenges faced by the scientific community. Disciplines like chemobrionics, systems chemistry, dynamic self-assembly, chemo-hydrodynamics aim to master the emergent properties arising in nonlinear systems when operating in the presence of physical and chemical gradients (temperature, concentrations, chemical potential, etc.). These properties can be used for the synthesis of smart and autonomous materials to be employed for technical, medical and environmental applications. In this context, soft matter (gels, colloids, membranes, vesicles, etc.) is intensively used in combination with autonomous nonlinear systems to implement complex materials able to self-organise, communicate and respond to external stimuli. In this minisymposium we bring together 15 contributions which will showcase the most recent advancements in the study and the applications of active soft matter, comprising both theoretical and experimental aspects, such as the flow of complex fluids, the synthesis of new materials, the control exerted on populations of active particles, synchronisation and cooperative phenomena.

Session 1/3. Tuesday, 12:00-13:45

12:00-12:20. David G. Miguez. Collective cell behaviour in the developing vertebrate retina

12:20-12:40. Federico Rossi. Engineering giant vesicles for a bottom-up approach to artificial cells

12:40-13:00. G\'abor Schuszter. Synthesis and composition modification of 2- and 3D precipitate tube structures

13:00-13:20. Annette F. Taylor. Collective effects driven by external pH changes in enzymatic double emulsion droplets

13:20-13:40. Leonard Prins. Non-equilibrium chemical processes in a hydrogel

Session 2/3. Wednesday, 10:15-12:00

10:15-10:35. Marcello A. Budroni. Hydrodynamically-enhanced transfer of dense non-aqueous phase liquids into an aqueous reservoir

10:35-10:55. Masaki Itatani. Engineering chemical complexity in giant unilamellar vesicles

10:55-11:15Paola Albanese. Light-switchable amphiphilic molecule induces shape transitions and pore opening in cell-sized vesicular systems

11:15-11:35. Satoshi Nakata. Self-propelled objects exhibiting spatio-temporal pattern under nonequilibrium

11:35-11:55. Istvan Lagzi. Beat phenomena in chemical systems

Session 3/3. Wednesday, 15:15-17:00

15:15-15:35. Karin Schwarzenberger. Interaction of Marangoni and buoyancy effects during mass transfer at liquid interfaces

15:35-15:55. 'Agota Toth. Self-propulsion and collective behavior of calcium-alginate hydrogel beads

15:55-16:15. Laurence Rongy. Spatio-temporal oscillations in A + B --> C reactive systems: the role of natural convection

16:15-16:35. Yorgos Stergiou. Coacervation-induced hydrodynamic instabilities in radial displacements

16:35-16:55. Yoshikatsu Hayashi. Chemo-mechanical coupling under environmental stimulations

MS. Heteroclinic cycles.  Tuesday, 15:15-17:00

Organizers: Alexander Nepomnyashchy, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel, Arkady Pikovsky, University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany

Heteroclinic cycles are exciting objects in nonlinear dynamics whose numerous applications span the range from population dynamics to cognitive processes and neural networks. The  goal of the minisymposium is to present and discuss recent advances in that field. The contributions deal with the dynamics of coupled heteroclinic units, heteroclinic dynamics of synchrony patterns, and with the dynamics in spatially inhomogeneous stochastic cyclic models.

15:15-15:35. Hildegard Meyer-Ortmanns. Heteroclinic units acting as pacemakers for entrained dynamics of cognitive processes

15:35-15:55. Uwe C. Tauber. Spatially inhomogeneous stochastic cyclic competition models: stabilizing vulnerable ecologies through immigration waves

15:55-16:15. Alexander Nepomnyashchy. Chaos in coupled heteroclinic cycles and its piecewise-constant representation 

16:15-16:35. Todd Young. Two-dimensional heteroclinic attractor in the generalized Lotka-Volterra system

16:35-16:55. Christian Bick. Heteroclinic dynamics between localized synchrony patterns subject to symmetry breaking

MS. Synchronization-related dynamics in complex systems. 

Organizers: Rok Cestnik, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Lund University, Sweden, Oleh Omel'chenko, Institute of Physics and Astronomy, University of Potsdam, Germany

Synchronization-related dynamics are ubiquitous in complex systems across a range of disciplines, including physics, biology, engineering, social sciences, etc. Understanding the mechanisms underlying synchronization and the resulting collective behaviors is essential for predicting and controlling the dynamics of these systems. Our minisymposium aims to bring together researchers from nonlinear dynamics to discuss recent developments and challenges in this area. It will provide a platform to showcase new approaches to studying synchronization, as well as applications in diverse areas such as neural networks, power grids, and social networks. The overarching goal of this minisymposium is to facilitate collaboration and sharing of ideas between researchers working on synchronization, leading to new insights and breakthroughs in the field.

Session 1/2. Wednesday, 12:00-13:45.

12:00-12:20. Arkady Pikovsky. Dynamics of oscillator populations with distributed phase shifts in coupling

12:20-12:40. Michael Rosenblum. Controlling collective synchrony by feedback pulsatile stimulation

12:40-13:00. Rok Cestnik. Integrability of a globally coupled complex Riccati array: quadratic integrate-and-fire neurons, phase oscillators and all in between

13:00-13:20. Sarika Jalan. Tiered and cluster synchronization in adaptive simplicial complexes

13:20-13.40. Istvan Kiss. Emergent hypernetworks in weakly coupled oscillators


Session 2/2. Thursday, 10:15-12:00

10:15-10:35. Diego Paz'o. Volcano transition in ensembles of phase oscillators with random non-reciprocal interactions

10:35-10:55. Bastian Pietras. Pulse shape and voltage-dependent synchronization in spiking neuron networks

10:55-11:15. Michael Zaks. Continua of equilibrium states in ensembles of globally coupled oscillators

11:15-11:35. Erik T. K. Mau. Design and analysis of limit cycle systems with phase-isostable coordinates

11:35-11:55. Seungjae Lee. Heteroclinic Switching between Chimera States in a Ring of Six Populations of Kuramoto-Sakaguchi Phase Oscillators

MS. New Approaches in Multiple Time-Scale Dynamics.  Wednesday, 15:15-17:00

Organizer: Samuel Jelbart, Technische Universit{\"a}t M{\"u}nchen 

Multiple time-scale systems appear across nature and the sciences, motivating the development of mathematical approaches to their analysis. This minisymposium focuses on new techniques and approaches to the study of multi-scale systems, which build upon established geometric approaches to singular perturbation theory. There are two main themes. The first is the development and application of novel and rigorous approaches to the study of low-dimensional systems, with a particular focus on dynamics near in infinity in a Brusselator model for chemical reactions, and the fractal classification of generalized Lienard equations near infinity. The second and related theme focuses on embedding-based approaches and coordinate-independent theory in arbitrary (finite) dimensions, with a particular focus on rigorous approaches to quasi-steady state approximation in chemical reaction systems, embedding of neural networks into fast-slow ODEs, and the development of geometric theory for discrete multi-scale systems.

15:15-15:35. Guillermo Olicon Mendez. A geometric singular perturbation approach to the Brusselator 

15:35-15:55. Renato Huzak. Fractal Hilbert's 16th problem and slow-fast Lienard equations

15:55-16:15. Sara-Viola Kuntz. Embedding Capabilities of Neural ODEs 

16:15-16:35. Carsten Wiuf. Model reduction and the QSSA

16:35-16:55. Samuel Jelbart. Discrete Geometric Singular Perturbation Theory: Beyond Normal Hyperbolicity

MS. Recent advances in dispersive and generalised hydrodynamics.

Organizers: Thibault Congy, Gennady El, Northumbria University Newcastle, UK

Dispersive hydrodynamics is the theory of muliti-scale nonlinear wave phenomena, described by integrable and non-integrable partial differential equations, with applications to fluid dynamics, nonlinear optics and condensed matter physics. The important developments in dispersive hydrodynamics over the last decade include new theoretical and experimental results related to dispersive shock and rogue waves, multidimensional modulation theory, soliton-mean flow interactions, integrable turbulence and soliton gases.  The recently established deep connections between dispersive hydrodynamics and the theory of integrable quantum and classical many-body systems out  of equilibrium, called generalised hydrodynamics, have opened new perspectives for both fields. The minisymposium will bring together leading experts and young researchers in dispersive and generalised hydrodynamics in order to share recent results  and emerging problems in these two vibrant areas. 

Session 1/2. Thursday, 10:15-12:00

10:15-10:35. Gino Biondini. Whitham modulation theory for multi-dimensional nonlinear wave equations and applications

10:35-10:55. Giacomo Roberti. Riemann problem for polychromatic soliton gases: a testbed for the spectral kinetic theory

10:55-11:15. Thibault Congy. Interaction of soliton gas with variable mean flow

11:15-11:35. Dmitry Agafontsev. Multi-soliton approximations of the plane wave solution and breather-type rogue waves 

11:35-11:55. Andrey Gelash. Ill-conditioned multisoliton solutions

Session 2/2. Friday, 10:15-12:00

10:15-10:35. Robert Jenkins. Realization of an equilibrium soliton gas through primitive potentials

10:35-10:55. Thibault Bonnemain. Generalised hydrodynamics of the KdV soliton gas

10:55-11:15. Benjamin Doyon. Gas of wavepackets and a derivation of the equations of generalised hydrodynamics in the Lieb-Liniger model

11:15-11:35. Stephane Randoux. Experiments with soliton gases in electrical lines, in optical fibers and in water tanks

11:35-11:55. Miguel Onorato. Wave turbulence and anomalous correlators

MS. Mean-Field Coupled Systems: Theory and Applications. 

Organizers: Stefano Galatolo, Universita di Pisa, Matteo Tanzi, LPSM, Paris 

Many successful approaches study these systems in their thermodynamic limit. In this regime, the time evolution is described by a nonlinear self-consistent transfer operator, in discrete time, and by a PDE, in continuous time. Recent advances in the discrete time setup study equilibrium states of the system by extending results on linear transfer operators to the nonlinear setup. In continuous time, new works can deal with the thermodynamic limit when, for example, systems interact on heterogeneous networks or hypergraphs. This minisymposium brings together researchers working on the different approaches above, focusing on the ergodic theoretical study of self-consistent transfer operators, mean-field coupled oscillators in continuous time, and applications.

Session 1/2. Thursday, 12:00-13:45.

12:00-12:20. Wael Bahsoun. Mean Field Coupled Anosov Systems

12:20-12:40. Stefano Galatolo. Self Consistent Transfer Operators in a Weak and Not So Weak Coupling Regime. Invariant Measures, Convergence to Equilibrium, Linear Response

12:40-13:00. Michela Ottobre. Non- Mean Field Interacting Particle Systems

13:00-13:20. Bastien Fernandez. Proof of Feedback Delay Dependence of the Stability of Synchronized Degrade-and-Fire Oscillations Implying a Common Activator

13:20-13:40. Michele Gianfelice On topological synchronization of chaotic oscillators 

Session 2/2. Friday, 10:15-12:00

10:15-10:35. Roberto Castorrini. Convergence to Equilibrium for Contracting Self-Repelling Globally Coupled Maps

10:35-10:55. Christian Kuehn. Graph Limit Operators and Mean-Field Dynamics

10:55-11:15. Davide Sclosa. Dynamical Systems on Graph Limits and their Symmetries

11:15-11:35. Maximilian Engel. A Quasi-Stationary Approach to Dynamical Metastability for Weakly Interacting Particle Systems

11:35-11:55. Matteo Tanzi. Uniformly Expanding Coupled Maps: Self-Consistent Transfer Operators and Propagation of Chaos

MS. Multi-scale Modeling Approaches in Epidemiological Dynamics. 

Organizers: Ma'ira Aguiar, Vanessa Steindorf, Fernando Saldana, Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Spain

As the COVID-19 pandemic progressed, research on mathematical modeling became imperative and very influential to understand the epidemiological dynamics of disease spreading. With many thousands of mathematical models developed in a record time to assist public health managers during the COVID-19 crises, research on other infectious diseases of public health concern have been postponed. Focused on future research directions of modeling the spread of pathogens able to cause explosive outbreaks, the MMED is an interdisciplinary symposium promoting timely debates on multi-scale approaches used to describe the dynamics of infectious diseases of major public health importance. Addressing the limited understanding of the factors which influence infectious disease transmission, the MMED sessions will provide insights on modeling aspects of real-world decision problems such as vaccine administration and lockdown implementations, as well as newly developed tools for epidemic forecast. The lectures of this symposium will cover recent advances in mathematical epidemiology, with both theoretical methods and practical applications, exploring a range of topics on population dynamics, epidemiology of infectious diseases and methodological topics in the natural sciences and mathematics.

Session 1/2. Tuesday, 10:15-12:00

10:15-10:35. Vanessa Steindorf. The analysis of a general cross-protection period for dengue fever modeled via continuous time delay

10:35-10:55. Akhil K. Srivastav. Analyzing the influence of explicit vector dynamics on dengue transmission models

10:55-11:15. Bruno Guerrero. Mathematical models for risk assessment and predictions of arbovirus outbreaks in non-endemic regions

11:15-11:35. Vizda Anam. Unraveling features of dengue immunological responses mediated by antibodies: models and patient data

11:35-11:55. Urszula Skwara Applications of fractional calculus to mathematical modelling of vector-borne diseases 

Session 2/2. Friday, 12:00-13:45

12:00-12:20. Ganna Rozhnova. Prospects of HIV elimination and an HIV cure among men who have sex with men in the Netherlands

12:20-12:40. Nico Stollenwerk. COVID-19: Vaccination impact after lockdown lifting and its large fluctuations, waning immunity and evolution of new variants

12:40-13:00. Carlo Delfin S. Estadilla. Cost-effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination by modelling a counterfactual scenario: a case study of the Basque Country

13:00-13:20. Bechir Naffeti. The dynamic of the Covid-19 in the Basque Country: A mathematical model considering losing and boosting immunity

13:20-13:40. Ruben Blasco Aguado. Describing biological differences of COVID-19 dynamics: a comparative study between Italy and Spain

MS. Stability and metastability of coherent structures in nonlinear science. Thursday, 12:00-13:45

Organizers: Raffaele Folino, Ram'on G. Plaza, Departamento de Matem\'aticas y Mec\'anica\\Instituto de Investigaciones en Matem\'aticas Aplicadas y en Sistemas, Universidad,  Nacional Aut\'onoma de M\'exico

Coherent structures, such as equilibrium solutions, traveling fronts, phase boundaries, solitons and periodic waves, are ubiquitous in Nature. Among some of their main properties we find their persistence for all times under small perturbations (stability), or their persistence for exponentially long times (metastability). The dynamical properties of these coherent structures are important for understanding the behaviour of the underlying physical system. In this mini-symposium we bring together specialists in different subfields who have applied a great variety of techniques (that range from dynamical systems methods and spectral theory to tailor-made numerical schemes) to study the metastability and the stability of coherent structures in many physical, chemical and biological models. We believe that this will provide a fertile ground for interaction and will lead to new approaches and new understanding for many different natural phenomena. Moreover, the workshop also aims to foster global collaborative efforts to address these scientific challenges, and to develop initiatives to tackle several open problems under a unified perspective.

12:00-12:20. Corrado Lattanzio. Existence of traveling waves in quantum hydrodynamics with viscosity

12:20-12:40. Delyan Zhelyazov. Spectral stability of traveling waves in quantum hydrodynamics with viscosity

12:40-13:00. Raffaele Scandone. Existence and stability of finite energy solutions to a quantum MHD system

13:00-13:20. Raffaele Folino. Metastability and persistence of layered patterns in reaction-diffusion models with $p$-Laplacian

13:20-13:40. Ram'on G. Plaza. Spectral and orbital instability of bounded periodic waves for viscous balance laws

MS. Analysis and control of large-scale dynamical systems.  Thursday, 15:15-17:00

Organizers: Andrea Lama, Gian Carlo Maffettone, Hector Vargas Alvarez, Mario di Bernardo, Scuola Superiore Meridionale, Universita' degli studi di Napoli Federico II.

Schools of fish milling while looking for food, flocking formations of birds escaping from predators, swarms of robots collectively collaborating for solving a task, cities characterized by heterogeneous flows of humans and vehicles, are just few examples of natural and artificial large-scale dynamical systems that, despite the simplicity of the underlying individual dynamics of their components (or agents), show sophisticated collective behaviors It is this intrisic multiscale nature of such systems at the basis of the open challenges that we will focus on in this minisymposium, where some recent advances will be discussed: i) closing the feedback loop between the macroscopic level, where typically control requirements are given, and the microscopic scale of the agents, where control can be practically exerted, crucial for the control and for designing large systems with desirable properties, ii) analyzing the effects of agents' limited sensing and actuation capabilities, aspects playing a key role towards real life examples and applications, and iii) motivated by the increasing data availability and by the difficulties arising for  model-based approaches, introducing and discussing data-driven and hybrid methods.

15:15-15:35. Shiao Xie. Scalability and disturbance rejection in large-scale nonlinear network systems

15:35-15:55. Gian Carlo Maffettone. Continuification control of large-scale multiagent systems under limited sensing and structural perturbations

15:55-16:15. Andrea Lama. Multi-agent herding control of large-scale systems via local information

16:15-16:35. Hector Vargas Alvarez. Discrete-time nonlinear feedback linearization via physics-informed machine learning

16:35-16:55. Giacomo Ascione. Mean field sparse optimal control of systems with additive white noise

MS. Motion and coordination in complex networks of humans and artificial agents. Friday, 10:15-12:00

Organizers: Marco Coraggio, Scuola Superiore Meridionale, Italy, Francesco De Lellis,  Centro Regionale di Competenza (CRdC) Tecnologie Scarl, Italy

The study of motion and coordination between humans and autonomous intelligent agents is a rapidly growing field with application in numerous areas. For instance, in healthcare, rehabilitation \emph{exergames} can have people interact with virtual intelligent agents; in sports, autonomous agents can be used to train practitioners and athletes; in performative arts, human artists can stage performances employing the interaction with multiple virtual agents, which might also be instrumental for the development of credible intelligent agents for the service industry. This minisymposium will bring together researchers from various disciplines to present their latest findings on a variety of topics related to the subject of the event. First, the problem of collective tasks in groups of people will be introduced, describing the effect of individual behavior on leadership; next, modern machine learning---and in particular reinforcement learning techniques---will be introduced and described in the context of the application to group tasks between people and artificial agents. Dynamical oscillators will be used as models of human motor behavior in periodic tasks, and then the same kind of oscillators will be used also to describe human activity at the neural level. Finally, methods for the selection of interaction graphs will be presented and discussed. The subject of motor interaction between human and autonomous agents involves a wide range of expertise, from applied mathematics to quantitative psychology, to network science and to computer science; therefore, one of the goals of the minisymposium is to provide a forum for researchers of different backgrounds to share their findings and to foster collaboration between different research groups.By gathering an interdisciplinary panel of experts, we aim at stimulating new ideas and approaches to the study of motion and coordination between humans and autonomous intelligent agents.

10:15-10:35. Carmela Calabrese. Analysis of synchronisation and leadership emergence in human group interaction

10:35-10:55. Francesco De Lellis. Advances in machine learning: Towards human like artificial intelligent agents

10:55-11:15. Antonio Grotta. Enhancing human group coordination in hybrid spaces: The role of autonomous avatars and cognitive architectures

11:15-11:35. Shyam K. Joshi. Synchronization of Coupled Neural Oscillators

11:35-11:55. Marco Coraggio. Data-driven selection of the structure of a complex network

MS. Physics-Informed Machine Learning for the solution of forward and inverse problems. Friday, 12:00-13:45.

Organizers: Gianluca Fabiani, Dimitris Patsatzis, Scuola Superiore Meridionale, Italy

The interest in using machine learning as an alternative to classical numerical analysis methods for the  solution of the inverse and forward problems in differential equations modelling of dynamical systems can be traced back three decades ago. Nowdaays, this interest has been boosted together with our need to better understand and analyse the emergent dynamics of complex multiphysics/ multiscale dynamical systems of fundamental theoretical and technological importance. Physics-informed machine learning (PIML) has been addressed to integrate available/incomplete information from the underlying physics, thus relaxing the ``curse of dimensionality'' of machine/ deep-learning schemes. In this MS, will be presented recent developements on both family of problems using PIML including random projection neuraal networks.

12:00-12:20. Felix Dietrich. Solving linear partial differential equations with randomly sampled neural networks

12:20-12:40. Antonio Matas-Gil. Unraveling Spatial Patterns: Physics Informed Neural Networks for solving the inverse problem in Turing systems

12:40-13:00. Nikolas Evangelou. Construction of Reduced Data-Driven ODEs and SDEs

13:00-13:20. Gianluca Fabiani. Parsimonious physics-informed random projection neural networks for initial value problems of ODEs, index-1 DAEs and PDEs

13:20-13:40. Dimitris Patsatzis. Slow Invariant Manifolds of Singularly Perturbed Systems via Physics-Informed Machine Learning

MS. Cybergenetics: where the control of dynamical systems meets biology. Friday, 15:15-17:00

Organizers: Davide Salzano, Department of Chemical, Materials and Industrial Engineering, Davide Fiore, Department of Mathematics and Applications “R. Caccioppoli”, University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy

Synthetic biology allows bio-technologists and engineers to realize novel functionalities within living cells. However, the complex nature of gene regulatory networks and of the underlying biomolecular interactions makes the development of reliable and robust circuits very challenging. A possible solution is Cybergenetics, a new discipline merging the tools of synthetic biology with those of control theory. Using the principles of control theory it is possible to implement controllers either using just biological components or by interfacing biomolecular circuits with experimental platforms able to measure and modify the cell’s behavior. Specifically, controllers can be classified into three different categories: (i) embedded, in which the controller is implemented as a genetic circuit co-existing in the same cell where the controlled process is; (ii) external, where the controller is implemented as a software in a computer; (iii) multicellular, in which the controller and the process are in different cellular populations. In this minisymposium, recent works will be presented in which the common goal is to modify and control in a desired way the behavior of microorganisms. Specifically, a novel architecture for a biomolecular multicellular PID controller implemented across multiple populations of bacteria is presented. For the simpler case of an integral controller a biological implementation in E. Coli is also proposed, and its performance and robustness properties validated in vivo. Additionally, external control strategies are presented to regulate gene expression in mammalian and bacterial cells. These combine the use of modeling, analysis, and control tools with experimental platforms that enable the measurement of the cells’ state either at a single cell or at a population level and the precise control of their culture conditions. The works on temporal control of gene expression are complemented with the development of a strategy for the spatial control of microbial populations. Here, a novel experimental platform that uses light to to control the spatial distribution of microorganisms is described.

15:15-15:35. Vittoria Martinelli. Multicellular PID Control of Gene Expression in Microbial Consortia

15:35-15:55. Davide Salzano. Controlling gene expression in microbial populations using a multicellular architecture

15:55-16:15. Antonella la Regina. Cybergenetics control of stem cells pluripotency

16:15-16:35. Adele de Hoffer. Development and implementation of a Data-Driven approach to control an inducible gene expression system in mammalian cells

16:35-16-55. Andrea Giusti. Towards spatial control of cellular collectives using light