Leap Motion Plugin

The leap motion plugin allows you to use a leap motion device to manipulate DXR objects using hand gestures as shown in the example videos below. Note that currently, the plugin only works in Debug mode, i.e., cannot be deployed in the HoloLens. You will also find the plugin code here: https://github.com/ronellsicat/DxR/tree/leapmotion

To enable the plugin, follow these steps:

  • Install the DXR package with leap motion plugin - download it here.
  • Install the leap motion SDK.
  • Attach the leap motion to the head mounted device as shown in the image below.
  • Connect the leap motion USB to the computer in which the Unity Editor is running.
  • Create an instance of the LMInteraction prefab (found in Assets/DxR/Prefabs/) in your scene.
  • Press Play! You can adjust the alignment of the virtual hands by pressing the arrow keys on your keyboard.