
Here, we provide several examples that can be used as starting points for your own designs (you can simply copy-paste the specs in most cases). Most of these examples are provided in the DXR package under Assets/DxRExamples/. To add your examples to this gallery, please post a request in the DXR discussion forum. Some standard chart examples (great for learning the grammar and syntax) were adapted from Vega-Lite's examples - and can therefore work in both Vega-Lite and DXR with minor changes.

Photographer Vis

This example shows the positions and directions from which an exhibit is photographed from, as well as the type of camera used.

Hours to Decay Vis

This example visualizes the number of hours left before an organic material totally decays. The artwork featured here is work by the MIT Media Lab entitled Aguahoja.

Bookshelf Keywords Bar Chart

Baseball Pitch Vis

Basketball Shots Vis

Table Tennis Serve Vis

This example visualizes the locations where the ball hits the table during a player's serve. The balls are color coded according to the set number that the serve was played.

Fly over or walk around this visualization of positions, heights, and ages of selected buildings in Manhattan. A leap motion plug-in is used for interaction.

Trying to decide what brand to buy out of gazillion options in the shelf? Let these virtual glasses of milk help you. They show expiry (color), calcium (height), and sugar (# sugar cubes) data in AR!

Tell a compelling story in VR by using flame particle systems to visualize forest fire intensities across a map!

This example was adapted from: https://github.com/Dandarawy/Unity3D-Globe

Radial Bar: Population Vis

Space-Time Cube: Collaboration Vis

Streamline Vis

Visualize wind flow simulations for a jet plane design in VR - scale it up to see the data in life-size!

Text Scatter Plot

Rect Plot: Meal Planning

Embellished Bar Chart

scatterplot with horse marks

bar chart

Embellished Bar + Point Chart

Bar Chart

Horizontal Bar Chart

Scatter Plot (color: nominal)

Scatter Plot (color: quantitative)

Scatter Plot (custom color gradient)

Scatter Plot (color: ordinal)

Tick Plot

Interactive Query Filters

The toggle and threshold filters (on the right side) can be used to query the data at runtime.

Axis Threshold Filter

In this example, the threshold filter is directly integrated into the axis.

Legend Toggle Filter

In this example, the toggle filter is directly integrated into the legend.

You will also find these other examples under the Assets/DxRExamples/ directory:

Analyze your opponent's data in a VR basketball court!

Jump higher to reach the virtual coins in a game showing increasing Bitcoin prices!

Create virtual dashboards that suit your workflow - here, a combination of 3D flow vis is linked with 2D charts to analyze multivariate hurricane data.