
The text visual mark is a built-in custom mark that can be used to visualize data attributes as text. In addition to the generic visual channels, the text visual mark has the following channels:

  • text - text to display; default text is "text".
  • size - font size; default size is 100.
  • color - font color; default color is white.
  • anchor - specifies how the text is positioned with respect to the central position (that is controlled by the x, y, z position channels); possible values are: upperleft, uppercenter, upperright, middleleft, middlecenter, middleright, lowerleft, lowercenter, and lowerright; default value is middlecenter.
  • following - boolean (true or false) property that specifies if text will behave as a billboard (adjusts itselft to always face the user); default value is false.

You can check out the MarkText script to see the channel properties in detail. Below is one example using the text mark.