
These specs describe the data. The data can either be specified inline or via a url (currently local filename).

Inline Data

Data can be specified inline by providing an array of objects in the values property as shown below. Note that each object in the array becomes a data point (datum), and each data point has data attributes or fields (keyword, count), which are mapped to visual properties (x, y positions, height) of the visual mark (book).

Local Data on File

Data can also be specified via a url. For local files, the url can be a json or csv file with the filename relative to the Assets/StreamingAssets/DxRData folder. For example, the Assets/StreamingAssets/DxRData/collaboration.csv file can be specified using "data": { "url" : "collaboration.csv" } snippet as shown below.


Multiple visualizations can be linked by setting their "linked" parameter to true.