DVU group members participating to Eurodyn 2020


The DVU group took part to Eurodyn 2020 (the XI International Conference on Structural Dynamics) streamed online on 23-26 Novemeber 2020.

The team delivered one presentation (given by Luca) and actively participated also by organising 1 minisymposia (organised by Alice):

Luca Marino watching live his presentation (Photo Credit: L. Marino)

Excellent presentation delivered by Luca Marino (Lincoln College), 3rd year DPhil Student working on Friction Dynamics funded by Rolls-Royce and EPSRC.

Luca presented a work titled "MDOFs systems with Coulomb damping: boundaries of motion regimes", co-authored with A. Cicirello.

Luca has kindly agreed to share the video of his talk, which you can find below.