DSCC-19 Recordings

Morning Keynote Address: Geographer Rebekah Jones: “Communicating Data and Uncertainty during COVID-19” - 10:05am -10:45am [Video]

Chair: Michael Jadoo- Bureau of Labor Statistics

Session 1A - 10:50 am -12:10 pm

Theme: Media influence and its effect on behavior and transmission

Session 1B -10:50 am -12:10 pm

Theme: Interventions and Policy to flatten the curve on COVID-19 Transmission

Chair: Trevor G. Kent- Accenture Federal Services

12:10 pm– 12:40 pm - Lunch / Call to Action Presentation - The RECON COVID-19 challenge

Chair: Michael Jadoo- Bureau of Labor Statistics

12:40-1:45 pm- Panel session “Open data, Open Code, and Reproducible Research.” [VIDEO]

Chair: Benjamin Ortiz Ulloa - Accenture Federal Services

-Yihui Xie - R Studio

-Shirley Wang- Bringham Hospital Harvard Medical School

-Jeff Morris- University Pennsylvania

-Patrick Liu & Joseph Friedman - University of California, Los Angeles

Session 2A 1:55pm-3:20pm

Theme: COVID and the Effects of Mobility and Geospacial Data

Chair: Adam Grigg

Session 2B 1:55pm-3:20pm

Theme: Medical Detection and Measurement Accuracy

Session 3A - 3:25 pm -4:45 pm

Theme: Forecasting meets COVID-19: Transmission. Impact, and Reopening

Session 3B - 3:25 pm -4:55 pm

Theme: Forecast and Markov Chain modeling of COVID-19

Session 4A - 5:10 pm- 6:25 pm

Theme: Modeling Transmission spread

Session 4B -5:10 pm- 6:25 pm

Theme: Covid-19: Economy and the Environment

Afternoon Keynote: Delphi Research Group (COVID cast) - “New Early Indicators of COVID-19 Activity, from Massive-Scale Surveys and Medical Claims Data” [VIDEO]

-Ryan Tibshirani

-Alex Reinhart