DSCC-19 Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

The committee for the Data Science Conference on COVID-19 is dedicated to providing a respectful, harassment-free community for all participants and speakers. We request that everyone treat each other with respect. We do not tolerate harassment or bullying of any kind.

Expected Behavior

• Model and support the norms of professional respect necessary to promote the

conditions for healthy exchange of scientific ideas.

Be conscious of hierarchical structures in the scientific community, specifically the existence of stark power differentials between junior and senior scientific professionals—noting that fear of retaliation makes it difficult for junior professionals to express discomfort, rebuff unwelcome advances, and report violations of the conduct policy.

• Speak and conduct yourself professionally; do not insult or disparage other participants.

• Be sensitive to body language and other non-verbal signals and respond respectfully.

Forms of harassment or Unacceptable Behavior may include:

· Offensive comments related to gender, body size, age, race, religion or sexual

orientation, or any other.

· Unsolicited comments about a person's lifestyle, choices and practices.

· Physical contact without consent.

· Persistency of physical or verbal contact after a request to stop.

· Insinuations with sexual content.

· Threats of violence.

· Stalking or following.

· Harassing photography or recording, including logging online activity.

· Unsolicited sexual attention.

Consequences of Unacceptable Behavior

If a participant engages in harassing behavior, representatives of the committee may take reasonable action they deem appropriate, including :

· Warning to the offender

· Expulsion from the event

· Authorities may be contacted

Please contact us if you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns.

Contact Information

If you are being harassed or observe harassment please contact us.

Michael Jadoo mike@datacommunitydc.org

Benjamin Ortiz Ulloa ben@datacommunitydc.org

This Code of Conduct has been adapted from the ASA code of conduct policy and the Data Science DC of Conduct (which comes from PyLadies Code of Conduct (adapted from the Plone Foundation) and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.