Cover Letter

To Whoever Might be Reading This:

I have made this portfolio for myself, so everything I am doing is in one place. it is also for anyone who might be interested in seeing what I have done in my professional life. It is by no means exhaustive, but it gives a good introduction to the following:

  • all the courses I have taught,
  • my syllabus style,
  • labs that I have taught at various institutions,
  • my evaluation methods for students (quizzes, assignments etc),
  • samples of my student evaluations,
  • my professional development over all my years of teaching,
  • some recommendations letters and thank you letters.

I still have at least 20 more years of teaching ahead of me and I constantly want to improve and change my teaching style to the times. What was effective 15 years ago can be done in a different way now. The student type is changing with times, one has to adapt to the new styles. My goal is to inspire my students to learn and enjoy chemistry as much as I do.

Hope you find this portfolio useful.


Sapna Gupta