A 60 year / male known diabetic for last 10 years presented with sudden decreased vision in Right eye for 2 days. On Exam his V.A is PL +ve Right eye, Lens clear and No fundus view? (1+2+2)

A. What is your diagnosis? 

B. Writes down its different causes?

C. What are the management steps in this case? 

Q 2. what findings will be seen in other eye in diabetic hypertensive patient with acute vitreous hemorrhage

Q.  A 55 years male presented with marked decrease of vision in right eye and moderate decrease vision in the left eye. B-scan ultrasonography showed vitreous hemorrhage in the right eye;     (2+1.5+1.5)

A.Enumerate five causes of vitreous hemorrhage?       B. What are the complications of vitreous hemorrhage?

C. What is the treatment protocol?