Q. A 30 year/ male Presented with Left sudden decreased vision 1 day. He was having flashes & floaters for 1 week. He is myope -5D OU. His V.A is CF in left eye. (1+2+2)

A. What is your diagnosis? 

B. What are the treatment options for this case? 

C. Write down causes of Exudative Retinal Detachment?  

 Q. a 35 year old male presented with flashes and floaters following blunt trauma a week ago. it was followed by seeing a black shadow in the same eye. on examintion vision is counting finger and retina appeared grey on ophthalmoscopy

Q. A 55 years old female presented with bilateral gradual decreased vision for 1 year. She is known diabetic for 15 years. Her VA 6/60 in Right & 6/36 in Lt eye. On fundus exam she has Haemorrhages, hard exudates both eyes. (1+2+2)

A. Write down pathogenesis of diabetic Retinopathy? 

B. Define Clinical Significant Macular edema (CSME)? 

C. What are the treatment options for CSME? 

Q . 2. above senario plus there are vessels originating form disc. there is cresent shaped pre-retina hemorrhage along the inferior temporal arcade. what is stage of disease

a 30-year 0ld non-insulin depended diabetic  presents with hard exudate in posterior pole. His visual acuity is 6/60 in right eye and 6/36 in left eye. (1+2+2)

a. What is pathogenesis of this finding

b.  give two investigations with justification

c. give 4 treatment options for this patient

Q. A 30 year old insulin dependent diabetic presents with new vessels at the disc in the right eye. He also has multiple hard exudates at the macula. Hi visual acuity is 6/60 in that eye. (1+2+2)

a) What is the most probable diagnosis?                                               

b) What is the pathogenesis of this condition?                                     

c) Give at least 4 risk factors which aggravate this condition?                

 Q. a mother brings her two year old child with right leucocoria of right eye. B scan shows intraocular mass with calcification.  left eye had white pupil for which it was enucleated 6 months back (1+4)

a. what is most probable diagnosis

b. write 4 causes of leucocoria in this age group

Q. Write briefly: (2.5+2.5)

(a)    Retinoblastoma                                                                               

(b)    Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment

Q. write note on    (2+2+ 1)

a. diabetic retinopathy

b. age related macular degeneration

c. non rhegmatogenous retinal detachment 

Q . A 30 year old male presents with 6/60 vision in both eyes. On examination there are pigmentary bone spicules in peripheral retina. his vision is markedly reduced at night and he has ring scotoma on visual field examintion. (1+2+2) 

a. what is most probable diagnosis

b. name other features seen in posterior segment of this patient

c. how are you going to counsel the patient

Q. 2. what visual field defect will be seen in this patient. what features will be seen in carriers of disease

Q 3. what is most likely hereditary pattern if his father and uncle had difficulty in night vision

Q. a 70 year old man presents with sudden loss of vision in right eye.  fundus examination shows dilated veins and hemorrhages all over retina. (2+2+1)

a. what is diagnosis

b. how will you investigate

c. what are complications

Q 2 etiology of CRVO