A 11-year-old female reported in eye OPD with swollen and red left eye and it seemed to be worsening. The patient also stated that it had been more difficult to open her left eye and there had been some mattering on her eyelids. She also noticed diplopia and gave h/o left nasal pain 03 days prior to presentation. (1+1+0.5)

a. How will you differentiate between preseptal and orbital cellulitis

b. How will you manage the case?

c. Enumerate complications of the disease 

Q. a seven year old child with upper respiratory infection develops lid swelling and pain right eye. the right eyelid are tender to touch and not opening completely. the eye is severly congested and there is restriction of ocular movement in this eye. (2+3)

a. what is diagnosis

b, how will you manage this case

Q. A 45 year old female is on heavy dose of a steroids for her acute kidney disease. She reports in emergency with 3 days history of painful swelling in the left eye on temporal sclera followed by sudden severe swelling of the orbit, lid closure and inability to move the eyeball in any direction. (1+2+2)

a) Give most likely diagnosis.                                                              

b) Give THREE relevant investigations.                                             

c) How it will be treated. What are the complications?               

A 57 years-old patient presented with an acute left proptosis and maxilla swelling. On ocular examination there was marked restriction of the left ocular movement in all directions. There was left non-axial proptosis with marked conjunctival vessel dilation and massive chemosis. (1+2+2)

a. What is D/D?

b. What are clinical features of thyroid eye disease?

c. How will you manage a case of proptosis? 

Q. A 30 -year old lady presents with mild ocular pain, staring  and frightened appearance  of eyes. There is history of profuse sweating palpitations and weight loss. Visual acuity is 6/6 both eyes and there is congestion in conjunctiva. (1+2+2)

a. what is most probable diagnosis

b. how will you examine and investigate this case

c. what is management at this stage of disease.

Q. 2. give two most important differential diagnosis in this case

Q. a young boy while playing cricket is hit by a ball on his right face. he complains of diplopia and crepitations around orbit. (2+1+2)

a. what is diagnosis

b. what sign you will see on X-ray of orbit

c. how will you manage this case

Q . 11 year child came in OPD with acute swelling of his left eyeball.This is associated with pain ,discomfort on extraocular movements, and decreased vision.O/E RAPD is present?

a)    What is your differential diagnosis?       (1+1+2)

b)   How will you investigate this patient?

c)    What are the complications of the disease? 

Q: A 54 years male presented with outwards bulging of the right eyeball for last 6 months. On clinical examination, a mild RAPD was present. CT scan showed a space occupying lesion in the orbital cavity; (2+1.5+1.5)

a) How will you differentiate between cavernous heamangioma and optic nerve glioma?

b) What are the causes of bilateral proptosis. Name at least four? c) What are the different methods to measure proptosis?