Q. .A young lady presented with sudden loss of vision in her right eye for last 02 days. Examination shows an ill sustained pupillary reaction to light. It was accompanied with painful ocular movements and decreased perception of color and contrast. Fundoscopy was with in normal limits. (1+2+2Q2. fundoscopy show unilateral disc swelling

a. What is likely diagnosis?

b. How will you manage a case?

c. Write down causes of sudden loss of vision 

Q 3. what is underlying disorder and what type of visual field defect is present

Q4 . enumerate its clinical signs

a 40 year old married female presented with severe headache and projectile vomiting. she has a history of amenorrhea galactorrhea and infertility. On examination media is clear and bilateral optic disc swelling. visual fields show bitemporal hemianopia. (2+2+1)

a. what is your diagnosis

b. how will you investigate that case

c. what is treatment

Q . A 30 year old male diabetic presents with sudden onset deviation of the face to right side and inability to close the lids on the left side. He later presents with a painful red eye and whitening of the inferior cornea. (1+2+2)

a) What is the most probable diagnosis?                                              

b) Enumerate the clinical features of the disease?                               

c) How will you manage this condition.                                              

Q. A 30 year old patient with headache for one month presents with intermittent obscuration of his vision. His visual acuity is 6/6 in both eyes and fundus examination shows swelling of the optic disc of both sides. No intracranial pathology has been found on investigation. (1+2+2)

(a)    What is the most probable diagnosis of this patient?                      

(b)    What will be result on visual field examination in early and late stages of this condition?   

(c)    What investigations will you perform in this case?                         

Q. a. what is papilledema

b. what are its causes

c. how will you investigate it . (1+3+1)

Q: A 69 years female complained of sudden loss of vision in her left eye.This was associated with moderate pain in the eye with templeache. Ocular examination showed marked swelling of the optic disc;   (1+2.5+1.5)

a)       What are the causes of disc edema?         b) Tabulate the differences between arteritic and non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuritis?        c) How will you treat this case ?