Q. A elderly male reported in eye OPD with history sore eyelids for last 07 months. Examination shows scales at lash bases and patchy loss of lashes. (1+2+2)

a. Classify blepharitis

b. How will you manage a case of chronic blepharitis

c. Enumerate complications of chronic blepharitis  

Q .A 6 year old boy was brought with history of drooping of left upper lid since birth. On ocular examination there is narrow palpebral fissure of left eye and upper lid covering nearly half of pupillary axis (1+2+2)

a. What is likely diagnosis?

b. How will assess the case.

c. How will you treat the case?

Q. 2.  what problem will occur if this condition is not treated at this stage and why

Q .A 49 years old male reported with H/O inward rolling of Right lower lid with redness and thickening of conjunctiva. There is punctate epitheliopathy involving lower portion of cornea.  (1.5+1.5+2)

a. How will you classify Entropion?

b. Briefly describe patho-physiological basis of Entropion

c. Discuss management plan for Entropion

Q. A 30 year old patient got acid burn of her right lower lid 5 months ago. Now she presents with epiphora and pulling of her lower lid downward. (1+2+2)

a) What is the most probable diagnosis?                                              

b) Give the classification of this condition.                                         

c) How will you treat this patient?                                                      

 Q. a young male presented in eye OPD with painless swelling on right upper lid for last 3 months. the size of swelling has increased and now he has blurring of vision. (1+1+3)

a. what is diagnosis

b. what are complications

c what is treatment. give details of treatment

Q 2, name differentiating features from stye

Q .A girl was brought in eye clinic with history of painless lump in left lower lid away from lid margin for last 01 month. (1+2+2)

a. What is likely diagnosis?

b. Enumerate complications of disease

c. How will you treat the case?

answer. as above

Q .A farmer reported in eye OPD with a small nodular swelling on right lower lid margin. Examination shows 0.5 cm lesion in right lower lid with central ulceration accompanied with loss of lashes: (1.5+2+1.5)

a. Classify lid tumors

b. Describe various treatment modalities for malignant lid tumorsc. 

c. what are reconstructive procedures following surgical excision

Q .Write notes on: (2.5+2.5)

a. Layers of lid

b. Trichiasis

Q. Two weeks baby brought in OPD by her mother having a purplish lesion on the lid. The size changed with crying ;

a)    How will you make the diagnosis ?                 (1+2+2)

b)   What is the course of the disease?

c)    What are the treatment indications?

 Q . A young girl complained of grittiness and ocular discomfort. The condition is usually worse in the morning;

a)    What is most likely diagnosis?                (1+1+3)

b)   What are other important signs related to the condition?

c)    Discuss treatment options ?

Q . 78 year male got a nodular swelling on the lower lid. The surface of the lesion shows ulceration?

a)    What is the diagnosis?                             (1+2+2)

b)   What is the treatment of choice?

c)    What are the complications of radiotherapy ?

Q. A 63 year man presented with out- rolling of the lower eyelid for last 3 years.

a)     What is the diagnosis                          (1+1+1+2)

b)    What are the common symptoms?

c)     Name the possible complications?

d)    How will you treat this case?

Q . A 10 year girl presented with acute painful swelling in her right lower lid. There was mild mucopurulent discharge associated with it;

a)     What is the possible diagnosis.                 (1+1+3)

b)     Which micro organism are associated with it. 

c)      How will you treat it. 

Q .  31 year female presented with a firm painless nodular swelling in upper eyelid from last two months;

a)     What is most likely diagnosis                  (1+2+2)

b)    How will you treat it  

c)      What are the complications of the surgery 

Q . A mother brought her neonate with glued eyelid and extensive purulent discharge in both eyes.                                    (1+2+2)

a)     What are different microorganism which can cause such problem?      

b)    Name different complications associated ?

c)     What is the treatment in this case?  

 Q .44 year women presented with bilateral lid retaraction.The condition is associated with mild proptosis;

a) What is most likely diagnosis?                  (1+2+2)

b) What are imaging techniques are used in diagnosis and give their findings?

c) How will you manage it?

Q .Regarding the ptosis;

a)    What is the classification of ptosis?       (2+1+2)

b)   What are different causes of pseudoptosis?

c)    What are indication of brow suspension?

 Q . 5.  A 60 year old male presents with watering right eye. On examination there is outward turning of lower lid margin. (1+2+2)

A. what is most probable diagnosis

B. give two reasons why this condition occur

C. How will you treat it