A 42 year old lady comes to eye clinic with complaint of dryness and burning for last couple of months. On ocular examination mucous filaments are seen threaded to cornea. . (1+2+2)

a. What is likely diagnosis?

b. What investigations will you carry out?

c. Give different treatment modalities available 

A 04-month old baby was brought to eye clinic with history of lacrimation since birth. On examination matted lashes with mucopurulent discharge was seen .

a. What is the diagnosis

b. How will you assess a child with epiphora

c. How will you treat the case

Q 10.A middle aged lady reported to eye OPD with the complaint of watering from her left eye for last 02 years. Her epiphora is associated with intermittent attacks of mucopurulent discharge from a persistent swelling below the medial canthus. She visited many hospitals for treatment but no permanent relief of epiphora occurred.  (1+2+2)

a. What is likely diagnosis?

b. What clinical examination is appropriate?

c. What medical and surgical treatment is available with logical explanation?

Q: A 53 years old lady was operated for DCR surgery 6 months back. After few weeks she presented again with persistent epiphora. (1+2+2) 

   a ) Define epiphora?   b) What are the indications of DCR surgery?       c) Enumerate complications of DCR surgery?