Q 1. A 68 years aged primary open angle glaucoma patient with CD ratio 0.8 was placed on antiglaucoma therapy. He had past h/o of Trabeculectomy in his right eye due to lack of compliance. Slit lamp examination currently shows poorly functional bleb.  (1+2+2)

a. Classify antiglaucoma drugs

b. What is mechanism of action of hyper osmotic agents?

c. Enumerate 3 complications of each group of antiglaucoma drugs 

Q 2. A 65-year-old female was seen in OPD for follow up of open-angle glaucoma. She has raised IOP despite on medical therapy. She was using anti glaucoma drugs for approximately 4 years. Fundoscopy shows CD ratio 0.8 ant significant visual fields defects were documented on perimetry.  (1.5+1.5+2)

A. Enumerate fundus features of optic disc in glaucomatous cupping. 1

B. How will you manage the case of POAG? 1

C. Briefly describe various visual field defects seen on perimetry. 0.5 

Q 3 . An old lady suffering from open angle glaucoma  inspite of getting maximum antiglaucoma treatment is having visual field loss.  (1)

a. what option do u have to reduce visual field loss in this patient

Q 4. : A 54 year woman presented with frontal headache for last one year. On Goldman appalanation tonometry, IOP recorded was 26mm of Hg in the right eye and 28mm of Hg in the left eye. Cup – disc ratio was 0.60 in the right eye and 0.65 in the left eye;    (0.5+2+2.5)

a) What is the most likely diagnosis?    b) What investigations will justify your diagnosis? c) Discuss medical management of the case?

Q 5Writes down the clinical features of primary infantile glaucoma?  

Author: Ambreen Akhter M17#10

*Raised IOP

*Excessive tearing

*Corneal clouding

*Corneal enlargement

Author: Ambreen Akhter M17#10