Q . 1. A 16 year old boy reported in eye clinic with history of poor vision in both eyes. Ocular examination showed irregular astigmatism and fine deep vertical lines in deep corneal stroma on slit lamp examination.  (1+2+2)

A.What is likely diagnosis? 

B. Enumerate other clinical features of the disease. 

C. How will you treat this condition? 

a 20 year old male presents with decreased vision both eyes . his vision in right eye is 6/60 and left eye is 6/36. On examination munson sign is positive. (1+2+2)

a. what is most probable diagnosis

b. give 4 corneal signs of this condition

c. give 4 treatment options to manage this condtion

Q. a 20 year old male came to eye opd with history of frequent change of glasses over 2 years. on examintion you find cone shapped cornea. (1+4)                            ( Q 2 . what is acute complication of this condition)

a. what is diagnosis

b. what tests will you do confirm diagnosis

Q3. A 21 year old girl presented with a history of keratoconus. She is complaining of regular changes in her spectacle correction. On examination she is having 6/60 vision in her right eye and 6/24 in her left eye. Her spectacle correction is -8.0DS with -6.0DC at 130 axis;          (1.5+2+1.5)

A) what will be your lines of treatment?         B) give a picture of clinical signs of keratoconus?

C) What are the investigations to diagnose keratoconus?

A swimmer reported in eye clinic with history of redness, severe pain and photophobia in right eye for last 3 days. Slit lamp examination showed perineural infiltrates. (1+2+2)

A. What is the diagnosis? 

B. What investigations will you like to carry out in this case? 

C. How will you treat the case? 

Q. a 30 year old farmer presents with redness in right eye after a foreign body went into his eye 1 week ago. on examination there is intense redness around the cornea with 4 mm yellowish lesion in the centre of cornea. there is also loss of epithelium in that area. (1+2+2)

a. what other clinical features will be present with progression of disease

b.  how will you investigate this case

c. what will be local treatment for this eye

Q5.A farmer while working in the farm house got trauma with the vegetative material in his right eye 3 days back. After attending a rural GP, he used topical betnesol eye drops 6 times a day. Clinical picture now mimicks a fungal corneal ulcer;          (2+1+2)

A) what are differentiating  clinical features of bacterial and fungal corneal ulcers? B) what is the etiology of mycotic corneal ulcers?     C) what are principles of treatment of keratomycosis?

Q. a young boy who has recently recovered from flu presented with red eye. on flouriscene staining there is branching pattern on his cornea. ((1+2+2)

a. what is diagnosis

b. what is etiology

c. how will you treat this condition. which drug is contraindicated  in this condition

Q. a young man suffered finger nail injury. he use some drops as self medication. now the eye is congested and there is hypopyon in eye. (1+2+2) 

a. what is hypopyon

b. name bacteria capable of producing hypopyon

c. describe mechanism of hypopyon intact corneal epithelium without perforation

Q 2 how would you confirm the diagnosis

Q. what are causes of corneal transparency

Q 1. A 23 year male underwent  keratoplasty in his right eye 6 months back. After a good visual recovery, he started developing blurring of vision;    (1.5+2+1.5)

a) what are the different types of keratoplasty?   b) enumerate early complications of keratoplasty?

c)what is the treatment of graft rejection?

Q 2. A 62 years old lady complains of right sided headache with vesicular eruptions on the skin around the eye and tip of the nose.She has developed mild blurring of vision.   (1+2+2)

A ) What is your diagnosis?       B) What are the different stages of corneal involvement in this case? C) .How will you treat it?

Q . A young girl presented with acute onset of watery discharge, photophbia and mild pain in both eyes. Ocular examination showed follicles on the lower fornix. Coneal Flourescin staining was present in a linear pattern?       (2+1+2)

a)What are the stages and clinical features of herpes simplex keratitis? b) How will you differentiate between dendritic and pseudodendritc ulcer?      c) Describe its treatment?

Q . A 22 years boy presented with a complaint of halos around the light especially in the evening. Ocular history revealed that he got a foreign body in his eye which was removed  by general physician.Slit lamp examination showed a corneal opacity at the pupillay magin;                 (2+1.5+1.5)

A)What are the different types of corneal opacity  and how will you grade them   B) give a brief account of the clinical picture of adherent leucoma?  C) describe the complications of corneal perforation?

Q . A 47 years male presented with opaque cornea after getting healed corneal lesion. He wished to have improvement in his vision by corneal transplantation;            (2.5+2.5)

a)                   What are different indications of corneal transplantation?  b) Describe surgical steps of penetrating keratoplasty?   c) What are the late post-operative complications of the procedure?

Q: A 23 year male underwent penetrating keratoplasty in his right eye 6 months back. Initially after a good visual recovery, he started developing blurring of vision and haziness of the corneal graft; (1+1.5+3)

a) What are the possible causes of decreased vision in this case?         b) Enumerate early complications of keratoplasty?

c) What is the treatment of graft rejection?