Q 1. A sweeper came with complaint of ocular discomfort in both eyes for last 04 months. Slit lamp examination of palpebral conjunctiva shows fine scarring with follicle and papillary formation  (1+2+2) 

 ( Q  . 2. what is sequelae of this disease)

a. What is likely diagnosis?

b. Give classification of the disease

c. How will you treat the case? 

Q . 2.  A 30 year old man of low socioeconomic group presents with in turned lashes of the upper lid. Lid evasion shows a significant white horizontal line involving the conjunctiva and tarsal plate. (1+2+2)

a) What is the most probable diagnosis?                                              

b) Give the most recent staging of this disease used globally.             

c) Enumerate the treatment strategies in this condition.           

Q . 3 .A 50 year old field worker presented with redness and irritation of right eye for last 3 months. On ocular examination there is flashy mass extending from nasal conjunctiva and invading the cornea. (1+1.5+2.5)

a. What is likely diagnosis?

b. How will you treat the case?

c. What complications can arise in untreated case?

 Q.  a 60 year old farmer came to eye OPD with triangular growth of medial side of both eyes in interpalpebral area. the growth is encroaching cornea and reaching pupillary axis. the eye otherwise is normal. (2+3)

a. what is diagnosis

b. what are indications of treating this condition and how will you treat this condition.

Q . 4.A three days old child presented in outpatient department. There is mucopurulent discharge with lid swelling. pseudomembrane is also seen. (1+2+2)

A. What is most probable diagnosis

B. Give two most important organisms responsible for this condition

C. what medications will you use to treat this condition. Give dosage.

Q. 6. A 20 year old girl presented with acute onset of watering and redness in both eyes.  On examination her vision is 6/6 in both eyes. there is mild chemosis,  follicular reaction in inferior fornix and pre-auricular lymphadenopathy. (1+2+2)

a. what is diagnosis

b. what other complications can be seen in her

c. what are different types of presentation of this disease

Q . 9 year old boy presents with burning itching and ropy discharge. symptoms get worse in summer and respond completely to medications. (1+2+2)

a. what is diagnosis

b. what is etiology

c. what is treatment

Q 2. a. what type of hypersensitivity reaction is this

b. what would happen if patient is moved to cooler environment

c. how an acute attack of allergic conjunctivitis treated

Q 3. what are complications of this disease

Q .A 20 years old boy reported in eye OPD with h/o acute watering, redness irritation and photophobia for last few days. Examination shows follicles formation in conjunctiva associated with watery discharge from both eyes. (1.5+1.5+2)

Q .A 12 years old male who suffers from seasonal allergic rhinitis presented with h/o itching and redness in both eyes. Slit lamp examination shows Broad, gelatinous, thickened, opacified, mucoid nodular infiltrates in limbal conjunctiva in both eyes. (0.5+2.5+2)