1.       After injection flourescene reaches ocular circulation after

a.       2 sec

b.       4sec

c.       6 sec

d.       8 sec

e.     12 sec


2.       Autofluorescence in FFA is observed with filters on

a.     Before the dye injected

b.       After the dye injected

c.       1 min after dye injected

d.       Two min after dye injected

e.       3 min after dye injected


3.   Hyperflouriscence at FFA manifests as all excepts

a.       leakage

b.       staining

c.       pooling

d.       transmission, or window, defect

e.       capillary drop out


4.       leakage at FFA is caused by all except

a.       CNV

b.       Diabetic macular edema

c.     Geographic atrophy

d.       Neovascularization at disc

e.       Microaneurysm


5.       Staining refers to a pattern of hyperfluorescence in which the fluorescence increases in intensity through transit views and persists in late views but in which the borders remain intact throughout the study. Staining occurs at all except

a.       Sclera

b.       Drusen

c.       Optic nerve

d.       Scar

e.       Microaneurysm


6.       What is leading cause of blindness in developed world

a.       Cataract

b.       Glaucoma

c.     Age related macular degeneration

d.       Trachoma

e.       Uveitis


7.       The hall mark of neovascular form of AMD

a.       Drusen

b.       Geographic atrophy

c.     CNV

d.       RPE atrophy

e.       Pigmentary changes


8.       The systemic disease most commonly associated with angioid streak is

a.       Ehler donlos syndrome

b.     Pseudoxanthoma elasticum

c.       SLE

d.       Rheumatoid arthritis

                                 e.       Down syndrome 


9.       Pathological myopia is refractive error of

a.       2 D

b.       3 D

c.       4 D

d.       5 D

e.     6 D