1.       Homonymous hemianopia is due to lesion at:

a.     Optic tract

b.       Optic nerve

c.       Optic chiasma

d.       Retina

e.       None of above


2.       Papilloedema has all the following characteristic except:

a.     Marked loss of vision

b.       Blurring of disc margins

c.       Hyperemia of disc

d.       Field defect

e.       Associated with headache


3.       A patient 60 year old, diabetic for 20 years. He suffered acutely of drooping of the right eyelid. On manual elevation of the lid he sees double vision. What is your diagnosis?

a.       Diabetic sixth nerve palsy

b.     Oculomotor nerve palsy

c.       Trochlear nerve palsy

d.       Abducent nerve palsy

e.       Trigeminal nerve palsy


4.       Dilator pupillae is supplied by:

a.     Postganglionic sympathetic from cervical plexus

b.       Preganglionic sympathetic from cervical plexus

c.        III Nerve

d.       Postganglionic sympathetic fibers form V nerve

e.       Parasympathetic fibers


5.       Pupillary nerve fibers pass through the optic tract to:

a.       The optic chiasma

b.       The optic radiation.

c.       The lateral genicualte body.

d.     The pretectal nuclei.

e.       The occipital cortex


6.       Ptosis in Horner's syndrome, is due to paralysis of:

a.       Riolan's muscle

b.       Horner's muscle

c.     Muller's muscle

d.       The levator palpebral muscle

e.       Orbicularis oculi muscle


7.       Which of the following field defects do pituitary gland tumours produce?

a.       Unilateral field defect

b.       Bitemporal hemianopia

c.        Homonymous hemianopia

d.       Altitudinal field defect

e.       Binasal hemianopia


8.       The optic nerve extends up to

a.       optical chiasma

b.       optic tract

c.       lateral geniculate body

d.       optic radiation

                                 e.       occipital lobe 


9.       Which ONE of these drugs is MOST likely to cause an optic neuropathy?

a.       Chloroquine

b.     Ethambutol

c.       Thioridazine

d.       Vigabatrin

e.       Paracetamol