1.       Most common sign of severe dry eye is

a.       Punctate epithelial erosion

b.       Corneal filament

c.       Bacterial keratitis

d.     Mucous plaque formation

e.       Marginal tear film instability


2.       Following should be avoided during acute attack of dacrycystitis

a.       Oral antibiotics

b.       Topical antibiotic

c.     Probing

d.       Parenteral antibiotics

e.       Incision and drainage


3.       Composition of tear film consists of all except

a.       Lipid

b.       Aqueous

c.       Mucin

d.       Lysozymes

e.     Fibrin


4.       A  55  year old male reported in eye OPD with history of painful tender swelling below medial canthus for last three days. Likely diagnosis is

a.       Acute canaliculitis

b.       Pouting of punctum

c.     Acute dacryocystitis

d.       Preseptal cellulitis

                                 e.       Chronic dacryocystitis 


5.       In DCR, the opening is made at:

a.       Superior meatus

b.     Middle meatus

c.       Inferior meatus

d.       Inferior turbinate

                                 e        Middle turbinate 


6.       Schirmer’s test is used for diagnosing:

a.     Dry eye

b.       Infective keratitis

c.       Watering eyes

d.       Used in Horner’s syndrome

                                 e.        Viral ulcer 


7.       3 months old infant with watering lacrimal sac on pressing causes regurgitation of mucopus material. What is the appropriate treatment?

a.       Dacryocystorhinostomy

b.       Probing

c.       Probing with syringing

d.     Massage with antibiotics up to age of 6 months

                                 e.      Dacryocystectomy 


8.       The primary treatment in congenital nasolacrimal duct stenosis is

a.       DCR

b.       Probing

c.       Syringing

d.     Antibiotic and massage

e.       Antibiotics alone.