1.       In Jones dye test, the dye used is

a.       ICG

b.     Fluorescein

c.       Leeshman green

d.       Trypan blue

e.       Rose Bengal


2.       Most physiological test for assessing lacrimal system is

a.       Lacrimal scintigraphy

b.       Dacyrocystography

c.       Probing syringing

d.       Jones dye test

e.       Fluorescene disappearance test


3.       Punctal eversion is treated by

a.       One snip procedure

b.       Punctum dilatation

c.       Muscle spindle procedure

d.       Canthal tendon surgery

e.       DCR


4.       Suture used in muscle spindle procedure to correct punctal eversion is

a.       Double armed 6/0 vicry

b.       4/0 black silk

c.       10/0 nulon

d.       Polyglactin

e.       Catgut


5.       Systemic medications causing canalicular obstruction include all except

a.       Idoxuridine

b.       Docetaxel

c.       5-flourouracil

d.       Phospholine iodide

e.     Adrenaline


6.   Mucolytic agent used in dry eye is

a.   Acetylcysteine

b.   Polyvinyl alcohol

c.   Hydroxymethyl cellulose

d.   Polyacrylic acid

e.   Tetracycline


7.   Tests used in dry eye are all except

a.     Tear film BUT

b.       Shirmur test

c.       Fluorescene clearance test

d.       Phenol red thread test

e.       Jones test


8.   Tear film break up time of less than

a.   10 sec is positive

b.   20 sec is positive

c.   30 sec is positive

d.   40 sec is positive

e.   50 sec is positive


9.   Filter paper used in schirmer test is

a.   Whatman filter paper

b.   Schirmer paper

c.   Phenol red paper

d.   Fluoriscene paper

e.   Rose Bengal paper


10.       Composition of filaments in dry eye is

a.     Mucus and cellular debris

b.       Bacteria and cellular debris

c.       Mucus bacteria and cellular debris

d.       Plasma and infilammatory cell and fibrin

e.       Fibrin and mucous