Major build Milestones and Progress Pictures

System Construction:

Proof of concept system layout. Layout in this picture was to demonstrate that all of the components would fit and to test weight distribution. 3/17/2021

Motor and Antenna require mounting hardware and are test fit in relative positions

Stepper motor mounted to platform and controlled via Pi 3/31/2021

Motor in motion responding to test code


Custom parts machined and all components mounted to the base. Electrical parameters tested in the lab and Pi's are powered via bench-top supply and custom electric cables 4/14/2021

All systems mounted and connected. Electrical parameters verified and ready to test 4/14/2021

System loaded with test code and deployed outside 4/17/2021

Motion Detection Progress:

Motion detection algorithm worked out and proofed in lab 3/24/21


Drone Visual Detection Progress:

Image detection began with retraining a pet detection model (100 pictures)


First round of training yielded positive results but with low precision (500 pictures)

Late stage testing able to accurately detect drone (1000 pictures)


Image tracking, image detection, and platform movement shown in action 4/17/2021

Subsystem 1 is complete

RF Detection Testing

Initial testing involved flying the drone and observing the spectrum. This image shows the rectangular OFDM drone control signal in front of bursty WI-Fi and Bluetooth signals

Drone RF emissions are able to be detected and captured. Proof of concept achieved for detecting the drones without images. Drone spectrum transmission shown in top right.
