
Introduction to Project Drawdown and the Drawdown Ecochallenge

The World’s Leading Resource for Climate Solutions

Founded in 2014, Project Drawdown® is a nonprofit organization that seeks to help the world reach “Drawdown”— the future point in time when levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere stop climbing and start to steadily decline.

Putting Climate Solutions into Action

Drawdown Ecochallenge is a fun and social way to take measurable action on the top solutions to global warming. Stretch your limits, earn points, and see your positive impact grow. Take the challenge, and see how a few weeks of action add up to a lifetime of change for you and the planet.

Headshot of Matt Scott from Project Drawdown

Thursday, March 25, 7:30-8:30PM (ET)

For our first Drawdown Dialogue, we will spend our time in Zoom hearing from Matt Scott (Manager, Storytelling & Engagement, Project Drawdown) gaining an overview of Project Drawdown, the power of storytelling to work towards climate solutions, then explore the Drawdown Ecochallenge and how you can participate. It is important we have a common background on these efforts so that we have a foundation to move forward from as we consider our own actions towards climate solutions. There will be time for Q&A and sharing of climate solution highlights in Delaware County, across Pennsylvania, and across the globe.

Before our first Zoom session on March 25, we encouraged participants to check out these resources below (these are all optional, but the more sources reviewed, the better prepared to participate), as well as the websites for Project Drawdown and the Drawdown Ecochallenge.


The most important thing you can do to fight climate change: talk about it, by Katharine Hayhoe (~17 minutes)

How do you talk to someone who doesn't believe in climate change? Not by rehashing the same data and facts we've been discussing for years, says climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe. In this inspiring, pragmatic talk, Hayhoe shows how the key to having a real discussion is to connect over shared values like family, community and religion -- and to prompt people to realize that they already care about a changing climate. "We can't give in to despair," she says. "We have to go out and look for the hope we need to inspire us to act -- and that hope begins with a conversation, today."


100 solutions to reverse global warming, by Chad Frischmann (~17 minutes)

What if we took out more greenhouse gases than we put into the atmosphere? This hypothetical scenario, known as "drawdown," is our only hope of averting climate disaster, says strategist Chad Frischmann. In a forward-thinking talk, he shares solutions to climate change that exist today -- conventional tactics like the use of renewable energy and better land management as well as some lesser-known approaches, like changes to food production, better family planning and the education of girls. Learn more about how we can reverse global warming and create a world where regeneration, not destruction, is the rule. (*note this TED Talk was recorded before the updated Drawdown 2020 solutions were released)

A podcast series was produced in summer 2019 on Drawdown solutions taking place across the state of Pennsylvania. This is the introductory overview of the Drawing Down in Pennsylvania series. A transcript is available for this audio file.


From Drawdown to Regeneration: Creating the Future We Want Today (~2 minutes)

Chad Frischmann speaking with Cimpatico Studios about climate change sources and solutions.

If you are ready, go ahead and join the Drawdown DCIS team for the Drawdown Ecochallenge! You can create your account and explore the Drawdown Ecochallenge platform (see video below). During our session on March 25th, we'll review our first Action Category for now through the end of April - Healing & Renewal. (*note that each month, we'll move to a new Action Category - stay tuned for details!)

[Step 1] - Create your account or log in with an existing account at: https://drawdown.ecochallenge.org/users/login

[Step 2] - Search and join the organization/community team "Drawdown DCIS"

[Step 3] - Complete your profile page and click on the "FEED" menu item in the upper-right corner of the page. Post to our team's discussion board an introductory message!

Recording of the March 25th session with Matt Scott

All the sessions we had permission to record are available on this YouTube playlist.