Drawdown Sectors for Discussion

Our agenda for 2021

This is the schedule of dates for our online discussions between scientists and community members on climate solutions. Each meeting will be focused on one of the climate solutions that aligns with the Project Drawdown sectors. The links below will bring you to a page on this site with suggested content to review and resources to explore before the scheduled meeting.

All meetings are scheduled for the last Thursday of the month for one hour, beginning at 7:30PM (ET).

June 24 -- discussion on Drawdown sector Industry [visit page, then click here to register]

Featured presenter: Jay Regan, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Penn State University

Featured presenter: Ece Topuzlu, Biochemist, Eurofins Scientific

The following discussions will be scheduled in the future:

TBD -- discussion on Drawdown sector Transportation

TBD -- discussion on Drawdown sector Buildings

TBD -- discussion on Drawdown sector Land Sinks

TBD -- discussion on Drawdown sector Coastal and Ocean Sinks

TBD -- discussion on Drawdown sector Engineered Sinks

TBD -- discussion on Drawdown sector Health and Education

Previous sessions

March 25 -- first virtual meeting, overview of Project Drawdown and the Drawdown EcoChallenge [visit page]

Featured presenter: Matt Scott, Manager of Storytelling & Engagement at Project Drawdown

April 29 -- discussion on the Drawdown sector for Electricity [visit page]

Featured presenters: Derek Hall (Penn State), Alon Abramson (Philadelphia Energy Authority)

May 27 -- discussion on the Drawdown sector for Food, Agriculture, and Land use [visit page]

Featured presenters: Alexandre Martinez (UC Irvine), Siobhan Fathel (Penn State)