The Science Behind Climate Solutions (Drawdown DCIS program)

Review the Delaware County Institute of Science discussions and actions around climate science

The Delaware County Institute of Science is continued its virtual engagement for DCIS members and the greater community in 2021 with a program to educate and engage individuals on the science and solutions to global warming. We connected for four monthly discussions lasting one hour, focusing on each of the Project Drawdown sectors, tapping into this international organization's efforts to reach "drawdown" (the point in the future when greenhouse gases in the atmosphere stop climbing and start to steadily decline). We all have a role we can play in addressing climate change, and the most important first step is to talk about this subject.

For each month's topic, we asked participants to individually review thematic online resources (short videos, articles, podcasts, etc.) and then come together in Zoom to listen to a moderated discussion with one moderator and at least two experts in the discipline of that monthly topic. These were not hour-long presentations/webinars with prepared PowerPoint slides - they were designed to be a one-hour discussion with experts and non-experts as we explore science and solutions.

After each session, it was time to take action! We utilized the platform to bring our community together to engage in the Ecochallenge, an opportunity to commit to one-time or repeating actions "that are most relevant to us, to make this great spinning dot we call home a healthier, more equitable, more sustainable place." Each month, we used the platform to work towards one or more of the over 100 solutions to global warming, connecting to the thematic content of the prior month's discussion. Sign-ups start now to join the Drawdown DCIS Ecochallenge team!

We encourage you to explore the work of Project Drawdown, then check out our previous recorded sessions and resources.

The Science Behind Climate Solutions is being supported by the Sustainovation Team at Penn State Brandywine.

If you have any questions about The Science Behind Climate Solutions program, please contact Dr. Laura Guertin (