Creative Videos

Within this designated area, you will discover a compilation of all the creatively produced videos that I have personally recorded and subsequently uploaded onto my YouTube channel.

This task was assigned by Yesha Ma'am, wherein we were tasked with creating a Dadaistic poem using newspaper clippings. I successfully crafted a Dadaistic poem by extracting content from the newspapers provided.

Here are some behind-the-scenes pictures of this video. 

In this video, we participated in the celebration of Reading Day, organized by the Library Committee. During the event, my classmate Rajeshvari and I engaged in reading short stories from various books. Specifically, we focused on narrating "The Last Leaf" by Henry O.

These are some pictures of that Reading day Celebration.

This creative assignment was given by Dilip Bard sir, where we were tasked with preparing and interpreting Samuel Beckett's shortest play, "Breath." Our objective was to craft our own rendition of this play and interpret the elements we incorporated. In our version, we merged the tools of computer technology and visual arts to enhance our interpretation.