What is Literature?

What is Literature? ( Before  PG) 

Literature is study of some type of works like poems, novels, essays, drama etc. According to scholars there are many things which are included into literature this world without literature looks like dead world. In our Country India we gave more importance to our Culture and Literature. We have rich literature like, "Mahabharat", "Bhagavat Gita", "Ramayana", etc.

Literature was based on our own point of view, we can feel Literature by read a books or watching movies. Literature is a mirror of our society. We can appreciates life through Literature. (I don't think this is the right way to write about anything, I have written this before I came to department so, it can be very funny to read what is Literature?)   

What is Literature? ( After  PG) 

Imagine a treasure chest overflowing with stories! That's what literature is. It holds exciting adventures, like pirate tales and mysteries. You can sail the high seas, solve puzzles, or explore new worlds. It also has beautiful poems that paint pictures with words, like describing a sunset or a feeling. Plays are like stories coming alive, with actors bringing characters to life on stage. 

It even has true stories that teach us, like biographies and diaries. But it's not just any writing. Schoolwork and shopping lists wouldn't be there, because they're just facts and information. Literature is special because it makes us think and feel. It takes us on journeys, introduces us to new ideas, and helps us understand ourselves and the world better. So, next time you open a book, poem, or play, remember – you're unlocking a world of imagination and fun!

Literature, to me, is like a magical doorway into different worlds, thoughts, and emotions. It's the art of using words to tell stories, express feelings, share ideas, and explore the human experience. 

Let's take the example of the movie "Dead Poets Society," directed by Peter Weir. In this film, English teacher John Keating, played by Robin Williams, inspires his students to appreciate literature not just as words on a page, but as a gateway to understanding themselves and the world around them. He encourages them to seize the day and think for themselves, using poetry and literature as tools for self-expression and personal growth.

One particular scene that captures the essence of literature is when Keating stands on his desk to gain a new perspective and tells his students, "We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for."

This scene exemplifies how literature, in this case poetry, is not just about words or academic exercises, but about tapping into the deeper aspects of human existence and finding meaning in life. It emphasizes literature's ability to inspire, provoke thought, and connect us to our humanity.

Think of literature like peeking into someone else's life story. It lets us see how others live, learn from their experiences, and get ideas for our own journey. Sure, it's fun to read, but it's more than that. Literature teaches us stuff, opens our eyes to new things, and even gives us hints about what might happen next based on what happened before. It's not just words on a page; it's like a flashlight guiding us through life.