How Literature Shaped Me?

My Perception of Literature Before Pursuing M.A.

It is my passion to delve into the realms that lie between the pages of books. Ever since my childhood, I've been captivated by the world of literature. As I pursued my post-graduation, my literary journey expanded exponentially. Exploring new genres and immersing myself in the works that formed part of our academic syllabus, I found myself drawn to a diverse array of books. The lockdown afforded me the gift of time, which I gladly dedicated to reading. During this period, I delved into Gujarati literature, savoring the works of Chandrakant Bakshi, Kundanika Kapadia, and Gunavant Shah, among others.

With each book I read, I find myself enriched and inspired, reaffirming my conviction that literature is not merely a pastime but a lifelong pursuit of knowledge, insight, and wonder.

How Literature Shaped Me? (After M.A.)

Literature is where I go to explore the highest and lowest places in human society and in the human spirit, where I hope to find not absolute truth but the truth of the tale, of the imagination, and of the heart." - Salman Rushdie 

Rushdie says that literature is where he goes to explore both the highest and lowest aspects of human society and the human spirit. He is looking to literature to examine all parts of the human experience, both the most uplifting and the most difficult. 

However, he does not go there hoping to find absolute truth. Absolute truth refers to facts or principles that are always true in every situation. Instead, he goes to literature hoping to find a different kind of truth - the truth of the tale, the truth of the imagination, and the truth of the heart. 

The truth of the tale refers to the insights and perspectives that can be gleaned from a story. The truth of the imagination points to how literature allows our creative minds to explore ideas and concepts in new ways. The truth of the heart means the emotional resonances and understandings of human nature that literature can reveal.

Literature is a way of reaching across borders and boundaries, of exploring the unknown, of expanding our horizons and our understanding of the world and ourselves." - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie 

Literature provides a means to transcend borders and boundaries. Through reading works of literature, we are able to explore unfamiliar places, ideas, and experiences that we may not otherwise encounter in our own lives. Literature expands our horizons by exposing us to new perspectives and cultures from around the world. It increases our understanding of the world by allowing us to see through the eyes of others in different times and places. Literature also enhances our self-understanding, as reading about the lives and inner worlds of diverse characters can provide insight into our own human nature. Overall, the quote is saying that literature has the power to connect people across divisions and foster greater comprehension of both the world and oneself through exposure to a wide range of voices and visions found within written works. 

When we cannot travel in the real world, we can travel through literary texts. I have traveled to so many places through literary texts that I myself have called myself a traveler, but the sad reality is that in real life I have traveled so little. 

"So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past." 

- F. Scott Fitzgerald, "The Great Gatsby" 

It conveys a sentiment of being held back by past influences even while attempting to progress, like boats struggling to overcome the backward pull of the current no matter how forcefully they row ahead. When reflecting on this quote, I am reminded that we must live in the present moment, not dwelling on the past or overthinking the future.

 "But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated." - Old man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway

we all know this famous quote from old man and the sea by hemingway, it emphasizes the resilience and indomitable spirit of humanity. It suggests that even in the face of overwhelming challenges and setbacks, a person has the capacity to endure and persevere. While a person may face hardships and suffer losses, they can still retain their dignity and inner strength.