My Proudest Moments

In this section, you will find all the awards or rankings that I have secured during my academic journey.

During my 12th standard, I participated in an Elocution competition and achieved a commendable rank. As a reward for my performance, I was presented with a book. Winning the competition boosted my confidence and encouraged me to continue honing my oratory skills. The book I received served as a constant reminder of my accomplishment and inspired me to strive for excellence in future endeavors.

These are photos from the Spark event organized by Swami Sahjanand School of Management. I participated in the Short Film making competition titled "Fillam Chillam" and our team secured the third rank in the event. It was an exciting experience collaborating with my team to create our film, and being recognized with a top position was truly rewarding. Winning third place in the competition filled us with pride and motivation to continue exploring our creative talents.

In a workshop organized by our Department of English on Photography, participants learned the art of capturing images. Following the workshop, we were tasked with exploring our university campus and applying our newfound photography skills. I took several pictures during this activity and was delighted to secure the third rank. It was a rewarding experience to translate my understanding of photography into visually compelling images, and being recognized for my efforts was truly gratifying.