Tips Men Should Know About Sex

No matter how awesome you think you are at sex, you do need a few tips every now and then not only to boost your confidence but also to take your sex life to the next level. According to Sexologist in Delhi, as a man, you will always be judged by your ability to please a woman in bed. There is no escaping that. It can be a long-time spouse or a new lover, you will always be expected to up your game. You have to be aware of your body and your partner’s body if you want to leave your partner feeling more than just satisfied every time you get it on. Here are some tips by best sexologist in Delhi to help you be amazing at sex.

  1. Talk About Sex

When you are in a relationship for a long time, you will find that the passion you once had when you started dating has fizzled out. There is nothing wrong with that, it’s just that you and your partner are bound together by other important feelings apart from lust. But as per sexologist doctor in Delhi, you should not forget that lust and passion for each other are very important to keep the flame of your relationship burning strong. Sit down and talk about what you want in bed and listen to what she wants. You can even make plans about what you want to do to each other. Remember, the kinkier the better.

  1. Take It Slow

According to top sexologist in Delhi, most of the people prefer to have sex fast. Sex is not a race. Never be in a hurry to get it over with. If you rush sex, you will not be satisfied and neither will your partner. You will find that you are having sex only for the sake of it. Take time to explore her body, touch it, and caress it. Doesn’t matter if you know every inch of her body, you will always find something more to explore. Take your time to enjoy the moment of unity between the two of you.

  1. Exercise Together

Sex doctor in Delhi says that exercise works wonders for your health and your sex life. You don’t have to slog at the gym each day. As little as 15 minutes of exercise each day will help you get it on better. Exercise improves your libido, self-esteem, stamina, and self-image. It makes sex physically more pleasurable and prevents erectile dysfunctions. You can exercise with your partner so that both of you feel great about your bodies, which definitely shows while you are in bed.

  1. Don’t Ignore Foreplay

No matter how sexually charged up you and your partner are or how long the two of you have been together, sex specialist in Delhi suggest that don’t jump right into intercourse. Foreplay is extremely important if you want to take your sex life to the next level. Your nervous system gets revved up during foreplay, which will ultimately result in stronger orgasms. You can get as creative as you want during foreplay and keep in mind that technology is not out of bounds.

  1. Take The Backseat Sometimes

The pressure to please and impress might be on you, but you don’t have to take charge all the time. Sometimes, it’s okay to take the back seat and to let your partner take the lead, and you don’t have to be afraid to do so. The change of role may actually be the thing you need to make your sex life more pleasurable says sexologist in Noida.

  1. Switch Up The Location

If you are someone who likes to have sex in one particular area of your house like your bedroom, it can get a little monotonous. Once things start getting monotonous, it starts getting boring. The perfect solution for this is to switch it up and to try new places. You will be able to experience new energies at different places. While you are at it, try new positions too. Being too comfortable is what usually kills the sexual vibe says best sexologist in Noida.

  1. Abstain For A While

Most of the people think to have sex regularly, but according to best sexologist doctor in Noida, the best way to enjoy better sex is to abstain from it, not for an extremely long time but just longer than you are used to. Instead of having sex, spend some quality time together. Abstinence will make you and your partner crave each other more, and when you finally have sex, you will experience a surge of passion which will be missing if you have sex too often.

Sex should never be boring. It should always be pleasurable and fun. If it starts getting boring, you can always spice things up. What you can or cannot do is all up to you as long as both of you are consenting adults and you know what you are doing. Your ears should always be open to what your partner has to say and you should always voice your thoughts. Communication is the most important part of great sex says best sexologist in Delhi.