Department Manual | Standard Operating Procedures

502 - Basis Life Support (BLS)

502.1 Basic Life Support

Basic life support (BLS) is a level of medical care which is used for victims of life-threatening illnesses or injuries until they can be given full medical care at a hospital. It can be provided by trained medical personnel, including certified first responders emergency medical technicians, and by qualified bystanders and or Certified Law Enforcement Officers

Before attempting anything ensure that the scene is safe (code 4).

502.2 Assessment

502.21 Consciousness

Assess the victim's level of consciousness by asking loudly and shaking at the shoulders "Are you okay?" and scan the chest for breathing movement visually. If the response is negative, call for help via RTO and request EMS (10-52s).

502.22 Pulse

Take a measurement of the pulse by firmly planting 2 fingers on the neck, wrist or elbow joint and feel for a pulse.
/me checks pulse

502.23 Airways

Roll the individual into the recovery position if you suspect anything to be obstructing their airways.
/me checks airways, are they clear?

502.24 Visible Injuries

Assess any visible injuries the individual may have and treat it following the guidance below.
/me checks for visible injuries

502.3 Injury

502.31 Laceration

A laceration is a cut or slice to flesh that may bleed heavily and is subject to infection. The primary objective is to prevent bleeding and minimise the risk of infection.

502.32 Stab Wound

A stab wound is a wound inflicted by a sharp object, often small at face value but can penetrate deep into flesh. The primary objective is to prevent bleeding and minimise the risk of infection. DO NOT REMOVE THE SHARP OBJECT FROM THE PATIENT IF IT IS STILL IN THE WOUND ON ARRIVAL.

502.33 Gunshot Wound (GSW)

A GSW is a wound inflicted by a gunshot, this includes flesh wounds/ grazes; through and through entry and exit wounds; and entry wounds with no exit.

502.34 Fracture

A fracture is any break or crack in a bone. This may include rotational fracture, hairline fractures, chipped bones, snapped through bones, snapped bones protruding through skin, etc.

502.4 Drug Overdose

502.31 Terminology

Drugs that a LEGAL to posses with prescription are marked with "*".
Drugs that are ILLEGAL to posses under any circumstances are marked with "**".

502.32 OD Responce