Department Manual | Standard Operating Procedures

404 - Pursuit Intervention

404.1 PIT Manoeuvre

"PIT" manoeuvres involve using the front bumper or ram bar to spin the driver’s vehicle to where the secondary unit can pin the vehicle in.
A PIT is authorised upon requested PIT Timer expiration or where lethal force is authorised citing Tennessee V.  Garner.

PIT Radio Communication

PIT manoeuvres require supervisor notification, this goes as follows:

PIT Technique

404.2 Spike Strips

Spikes may be utilised by all officers. Spikes must be deployed far enough ahead of the pursuit that pursuing Officers have enough time to avoid the spikes themselves.

Deployment Criteria

Deployment Procedure

/spike [# of lanes (1 to 5)]

404.3 Road Blocks

Similar to Spike Strip deployment, advance warning that a roadblock is set at your location must be given to Officers in pursuit so they know to slow down when approaching your position.

Road Block Procedure

404.4 Traffic Division Techniques


Deployable wheel grapper on rambar utilised in place of a PIT maneouvre to bring the suspect to a slow and controlled stop, tethering the suspect vehicle to the Traffic Officer's.

Mobile Spike Strip

Extendable Spike Strip from the side of a Traffic Officer Vehicle designed to sting Suspect vehicle tires by pulling along side the suspect, extending spike strip ahead of them then slowing so the suspect passes over the sprike strip.


Ballistic tracking deviced deployed from Traffic Officer vehicle during pursuit and sticking to suspect vehicle exterior.