Department Manual | Standard Operating Procedures

402 - Felony Traffic Stops (Code 5)

402.1 Grounds for a Code 5

Initiating Stop

Officer's may initiate a code 5 stop at their discretion if they believe it is in best interest of public and officer safety.

Reasons of Initiating a Code 5 stop may include, but are not limited to the following:

Upgrading Standard Stop to Code 5

In the event that informations comes to light that may warrant the need for a code 5 stop, the Officer must request backup to initiate the stop and not return to the suspect vehicle before all Cod 5 Procedure has been completed.

402.2 Unit Responsibility

Primary Officer

The Officer who originally initiated the stop will automatically take command over the situation. In doing so they adopt the responsibility of commanding each additional who arrives on scene to ensure a coherent execution of the Code 5. The Primary Officer is also the sole officer responsible for verbal commands to the suspect(s), no other officer is to interfere with this so as to maintain a clear and direct communication with the suspect(s).

Secondary Officer

Often responsible for maintaining less than lethal cover on suspects, the Primary Officer will instruct the suspects over to the secondary Officer so they are able to cuff the suspect and bring them into custody (refer to Section 204).

Tertiary Officer

The primary objective of the tertiary officer is to maintain a visual on the suspects, be aware of and discerning of their surroundings and listen to the Primary Officer's Command to move up and clear the vehicle with the Primary Unit, once visible suspects have been taken into custody. The Tertiary Unit may also be ready to pursue if instructed to do so by the Primary Officer.

402.3 Verbal Commands

Step by Step Guide

402.4 Vehicle Clearance/ Suspect Detainment

The Primary and Tertiary Officers, once having removed all visible suspects from the vehicle will then slowly approach the vehicle ensuring to clear the the trunk and all passenger areas before calling the scene CODE 4, at which point Custody Procedures can take place (refer to Section 205).